~Chapter 2~

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I always thought I would die as an old lady rocking in old rocking chair or falling from the sky, but never to be strangled by an extremely beautiful man, well too late for that one.

I’m standing here in the middle of the hallway with a man who is glaring the living daylights out of my face. It is so quiet, except my heavy breathing. I am so scared right now because of the way Devonte is looking at me. Without thinking I turned around and ran, but that didn’t last long because Devonte quickly snatched the back of my shirt up pulling me back towards him.

“And where did you think you were going?” his deep baritone voice questioned.

“O-oh you know just for a-a wa-walk.” I hesitantly spoke.

He darkly chuckled before turning me around to see his even darker glare.

“Oh not after that bullshit you just pulled in there!” he exclaimed

“Well, maybe if you weren’t being such an ass we wouldn’t have this problem, now would we?” I snapped, I don’t like to be disrespected.

Devonte looked so agitated; he looked at me like I was the most disgusting thing in the world to him. Well the feeling was mutual.

He let out a aggravated sigh.

“Man, whatever you better chill with that attitude if you my buddy” he said while emphasizing the word ‘buddy’.

Again I turned to leave but was grabbed again by Devonte. I turned around to snap on him for keep grabbing me up, but I was cut off.

“Give me your number.” he said with ease.

I look at him like he was stupid, he is so bipolar.

“Uuuh No. ” I said.

“See, the thing is,” he quickly grabbed my phone out my butt-pocket, pausing for a second, while getting his out of his front pocket, then unlocking my phone to put my number in his phone and his in my phone, “I wasn’t asking.”

Then he was gone, just like that. The entire time he did the number exchange I was dazed by the closeness, he touched my butt, he knew my code, and HE TOUCHED MY BUTT!!!!! Who in the world does he think he is? He doesn’t know that he could get the paws put on him. He doesn’t even know.


Oh my gosh this fool just made me miss first period, oh well. I didn’t want to sit in class hearing about how Mr. Log divorced Mrs. Log because of her addiction to smelly cheese and her being allergic to dental hygiene. If I was him I would divorce her too.

So I made my way towards the cafeteria. I scanned the room to see if I’d see Rover, but when I was scanning the room a giant body stood in my eye way, blocking me from seeing most of the cafeteria.  I looked up only see the devils spawn.

Devonte. -_-

“Excuse me Human-Bear. You are in my way of looking for my BFFTTEOTWAEATAATAATASO.” I said impatiently.

“What the fuck did you just spell.” He said after a look of confusion.

I sighed,” Best Friend Forever To The End Of The World And Even After That And After That And After That And So On. Learn your acronyms boy.” I said then walked away to find Rover.

I found her sitting at a table towards the back with two trays of food.

“Hey, Baby-Lumps.” I said walking up to her.

“Oh don’t ‘Hey, Baby-Lumps’ me.” She exclaimed.

“I’m sorry during homeroom I had the struggle to handle, but I got t-“ I was cut off by a deep voice.

“Oh so I’m the struggle now. Okay I got you buddy.” Devonte said while situated himself at the table next to me.

“Why are you following me around you stalker?” I said scowling at him.

“Remember it’s in the Buddy-To-Buddy contract, Munchkin.”

“Oh please don’t remind me.” I said. Then I suddenly remembered Rover was still sitting across from me, I looked at her.

"What the actual fuckery is going on Unique Anderson? I lea-"

"Wait your name is Unique Anderson?" Devonte asked cutting Rover off.

"Yeaah." I said looking at him oddly.

He quickly got up grabbing his tray and book bag while hissing a shit. He was out the cafeteria in seconds, forgetting his notebook. I looked at the book and put it in my bag for when the next time I seen him.

"Now, what the fuckery is going on, why did you just take his book, and how did HE become your buddy?" Rover squealed. 

So I winded up telling Rover the entire story between me and Devonte. I was worried she would probably find him and try to cut him cause she doesn't like when people mess with me, like an over protective sister. But instead she just laughed, right in my face. I was stunned, she is usually ready to go after a nigga on some Bruce Lee shit.   

"Nigga what's funny, he is a giant bear-like bully." I whined, while pouting.

"Yall is hella funny. Yall fight like a married couple. Aww!!" She said.

"Ima choke you, Automobile" I said back and she instantly shut up.

"Ugh. Curse my mom for naming me a type of car." She sighed defeated and I laughed.

Only Us. :D


I Soooooo Sorry About The Wait I Completely Forgot Or Got Lazy. But Her Is The 3rd Chapter Im Going To Try To Update Every Saturday So Look For It Nd Rover Is In The MM.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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