Chapter 19 ~ The dark truth, His shirt and Snogging

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Chapter 19

I took a long breath, and took a glance at niall, who was looking at me imaptiently. I nodded and started with my story.

"In my high school, I liked a guy name jake, we were friends our relationship started to grow, and I started to think about him more than friends, and finally he asked my out, we were together until my senior year, after I graduated, he started to be a pathetic jerk, he abused me, r-r-raped me, cheated on me," I said with tears spilling down my face.

"I broke up with him, but then after some days he kidnapped me, with his friend cody, and he also did what jake did to me.. I was so hurt niall, broken and betrayed, they left me motionless on the road, and then when I woke up I was in hospital with my mom and sister. I started to have panic attacks, mental breakdown, eating disorder and I also cut myself, but now doctor said I'm fine," As I finish my story, I saw niall with teary eyes, Is he really crying? 

"Niall.." I was cut by a bone crashing hug, that niall gave me, I placed my arms on his back,

"I can't believe they hurted you so much, but now I'm with you, I won't let anyone come near you," He said, kissing my hands.

"Niall.." I broke down into tears, and kiss him with all the passion, love and need. He is the best thing in my life, I don't know what I'd do without him. 

"Go to sleep emily, I'm here" He said, I layed on my bed, and then niall hugged me from back, placing sweet kisses on my back and neck. I never felt so much love before. He also kissed my wrist where the scars were not so visible. We interwined our hands and went to sleep.


I woke up with a door bell ringing, I got up, niall was still sleeping his hands were on my waist. I removed his hand and put a pillow on my side, and got out from room to door.

Ashley was standing there with smile but then her mouth wide open as she saw me in niall's t-shirt.

She was going to scream, but I put my hand on her mouth, telling her that niall is sleeping.

"Oh, so you both did that huh?" She started to tease, but seriously it wasn't true. I was wearing niall shirt, because I was cold last night, and I was too lazy to get a hoodie for me, so he gave me shirt so I can wear it.

"No, we didn't. I was feeling cold, so that's why he lent me his shirt" I protested but still ashley's smirk was on her face.

"Hey babe," Niall came pecking my lips.

"Hi ashley," He said as he pulled her in a side hug. I smiled at them.

"Hey niall, how was tour?" She asked, 

"It was incredible, really awesome, we had lot of fun" He said,

"Ok, you guys talk, I'll go and get change" I said, going upstairs, and was going in my room when niall grab my hand, bringing me closer to him, but then I teased him and run in my room and he also run after me, I was on bed throwing pillows at him until he jumped on me.

"You look great in my shirt, you know I just wondered now, when that time would come when you'll wear, without getting cold or you need it" He bite his lip, I know what he meant.

"Very soon, I can't wait too," I said, 

"I wanted it to be special, we can wait" I nodded and leaned in to kiss him.

I can't get up so niall helped me getting from it, and I took a shower, and came out and now he went in, I wore black sweater, some skinny jeans, and did my hair in wavy and then niall came. He was wrapped in a towel, his torso was naked water was dripping from his hair. I can't help but stare.

"Like what you see?" He asked me smirking,.I blushed, saying i'll be downstairs.

I took my phone and went downstairs, where ashley was drinking hot chocolate. I made myself some cereal and was eating it when niall came. 

We eat our breakfast in silence, and then we all decided to watch a movie, 

We were in middle of movie, when ashley's phone ring, she picked it up and after some minutes she told me, she have to go.

I nodded, and then we watched the movie, I was cuddled up with niall.

I was watching movie, when I feel niall's hand on my thighs, he pushed back my hair and kiss me gently on neck. i moved other side, his hand went to my arm, and then he placed his both hands wrapping me from a back hug. I layed on his chest, he kissed me on cheek and then he started to place wet kisses on my neck and jawline.

I was snogging with him, when a phone call interuppted us, i groaned and saw it was my phone.

"WHAT!" I said it was ashley.

"You know you should totally close the curtain while you're making out" I look at back and saw curtains were open, I close them and then came to niall and laughed with him.

I told him about curtains, and he laughed. Oh god his laugh is so gorgeous, I just can't even.

I can't even believe that this guy had made me feel so alive and happy.


Heyyyyy guys,, whatsss up? So sorry, for long wait, I was so busy in other stuff, and plus i'm practicing my maths skills so yeah, tell me how ur liked story so far, next update would be on sunday.

Have a nice day <3


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