CourtneyXOlivia REBOOT

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Hey, so I know I made three other chapters and a whole book about this, but I wanted to recreate that terrible chapter I made previously and string it into a whole chapter. A whole story and plot. I hope you enjoy it!
Also, I wanted to post a NoahXCourtney before this but not enough people answered how long they wanted it, which would have determined the entire plot, and I need to post a chapter. I hope this is fine and NoahXCourtney is coming next!

Noah sat at his desk in the Smoffice. He was busy writing a script, on his laptop. He couldn't get too focused because the girls of the squad, Olivia and Courtney kept giggling and whispering. The two were on Courtney's laptop, doing anything but work.
"Can you two gossip and be best friends later?" Noah finally asked. He looked at the two, who were wearing big smiles.
Olivia leaned and whispered something into Courtney's ear, which made her start to laugh again. Noah turned back and suppressed his own smile. They were being adorable and cutesy so he decided to just let them be. He stuck in headphones.
Olivia called Noah to see if he can hear them talk. His music was too loud.
"Okay, we're good," Olivia turned back when she was sure. Courtney kept her smile prominent.
"I wish he wasn't here though," Courtney leaned a little closer to Olivia. She stopped when she got intimately close though. It made Olivia mad. She wanted to kiss her girlfriend, but the two decided they couldn't tell the squad.

It wasn't always, simple kisses and warm gazes into each other's eyes with the two of them. It was a tough ride, and it's still not over for Courtney and Olivia.
When they met each other, it was through Vine. A popular app. The two had made a following on the app separately, they decided to meet and collab.
When they both did meet, they made a few collabs, hung it a few times. Made more Vines, and then Olivia successfully seduced Courtney. It was a rough ending, because the two thought they'd never encounter each other again.

"If you're not available, we have to find another girl for this part," Joe started to say one morning. Olivia had to tell him she can't do the scene in the next few days for the shoot.
"Actually, I think I know someone that could fill in for me. She's a good actor," Olivia started to say. She thought about Courtney some more. Her mind drifted furthermore. "Wait what?" Olivia asked Joe when he said something that she didn't interpret.
"What's her name? Does she have an email?"
"Yeah, her name is Courtney."

Later, Courtney signed with Smosh and joined the Smosh Squad. The two tiptoed around each other, it was easy until the cameras came on. Other than that, Olivia and Courtney avoided each other.
But Olivia knew the reason she wanted Courtney the first time. She remembered the lust that formed after hanging with Courtney for a short period of time. It was resurfacing.

"Courtney!" Olivia called when Courtney entered the studio. Courtney was a little caught off guard. Olivia waved to Keith and went up to talk to her.
"Is something wrong?" Courtney asked, concerned. She also felt a little embarrassment with Olivia because of how they left things between them before Smosh.
"Not at all, just wanted to talk to you. Maybe, apologize?" Olivia said, she walked up to Courtney, to which she walked another inch back for every step she got closer. Courtney nodded a little.
"No, I think I should be...thanking you, for getting me this job," Courtney replied back, Olivia took another big step towards her, and Courtney continued to shuffle backwards. Olivia looked into her eyes, which made Courtney look away to the floor. She felt awkward most now.
"No problem. I heard you were out of a job, so I mentioned you to a few people," Olivia told her lowly. Courtney looked behind her to see where she was headed, and then she gently hit a wall, so there was no more shuffling back away from Olivia. Courtney turned back to Olivia, and she had her palms on the walls, internally hoping for something to whisk her away from his situation.
"Umm, you kept up with me?" Courtney asked, hoping to spring Olivia out of this mood because she had glints of lust in her eyes, and Courtney couldn't get the image of her last time this happened out.
"I missed you," Olivia murmured as she had Courtney back against the wall. Olivia stuck her arm out to lean onto the wall beside Courtney. She simply looked at her, and her eyes slowly widened.
Courtney sort of froze, when she saw Olivia move forward some more.
Olivia kissed Courtney, for a few seconds. She pulled away and compared it to last time. Well, last time Courtney kissed back, so that was different.
"Actually?" Courtney breathed out, stunned. Olivia smiled at her, she nodded a little.
"Yeah, well I did. I wanted to-"
"Olivia, I'm serious. I want a relationship, I don't want to have a fuck buddy. I want someone to date and to-" Courtney's words surprised Olivia. Her smile faded as she processed Courtney's words. She kept talking, it's just Olivia started to think.
"Yeah," Olivia said quietly, still lost in her world.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you too, but I don't want to just-" Courtney kept talking. She had relaxed, and stood straighter. It made Olivia move back and take her hand away from Courtney's side. Olivia played with her own fingers and looked to the floor. Olivia's had a tough time with commitment in the past. "Olivia?" Courtney asked, suddenly scared for Olivia's reaction. Olivia looked back up to her. She saw her green eyes, and melted. She went back up to her and kissed her once again.
"I'm serious too. Let's start off small though okay? I haven't...I don't do stuff like this very well-very often," Olivia said as she smiled to reassure Courtney.

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