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Hey so along with a chapter for you all, I wanted more practise with first person perspective, so this is just a little different style than most of the other chapters. It shouldnt affect the plot however, thanks for reading!
Also, just because I needed time on my side, this fanfic is set so that Wes hadn't proposed to Remina and Jovenshire didn't propose to Kate.

It all seemed to start, when I felt bad for Joshua. The end of a video, and everyone was joking and pretending to be against him, making him feel bad for losing. I just watched, and felt horrible for seeing Jovenshire like this. I wanted to make it up to him.
"Hey Joshua, you alright?" I asked. I walked up to him at his desk, the furthest away from mine, near the door. He had taken his time packing his things for the end of the day. I decided to stay as well.
He looked up at me, and gave me a sheepish smile. The bundle of cords he had gathered, he held tightly in his hands.
"I'm fine." He played off. I never really payed attention to his mood after something like this happens. I'd usually be one of the first ones to leave actually. I guess I also never really noticed that he was never behind me out the door.

It was days later when I actually started to focus more on Josh. On camera, he can play anything off. His acting can be impeccable.
During my observations, I wanted to believe that he was really doing okay. Just because seeing him happy can be just a little bit easier to see than him being unhappy.
I also factored in how he acted during recording and not. I guess we were all sort of different on screen and off.
Maybe not entirely different however, we loved to tease each other.
So I treated this like it was a delicate science experiment from grade school. I also made the rest of the crew's behaviour my side experiment.
All of this made me feel like a scientist.

After work, I always found a reason to stay just a few more minutes in the office. Let me tell you dear reader, he was always spent a few extra minutes in the office. Josh after work was quiet. Sometimes I'd see him watching over other videos that had already been posted. He didn't seem very gloomy, and I just didn't know how to continue on with his experiment. Joshua seemed fine enough, so I figured later on to just drop the subject and continue on like it used to be. He's strong, maybe our teasing and joking never really got to him. In the end he should know that we'll love him and he's crucial to our team because it wouldn't be the same without him.
I hope he knew that.
It was then when I got the idea to just invite him out with me. I thought about inviting the rest of the gang out, but I figured, as a final test to the experiment, let's go alone. Days before this, I wasn't too sure of where I could invite him. To the bar, would be too hectic and not help my case. Maybe even to a pub would ruin everything.
On the day of, I wanted to get fro-yo, so I decided that that would be the place of the final act.

Once again, today, Joshua stayed a little bit later in the office. He'd been watching some videos.
"Joshua?" I called. I had swiftly turned in my seat and watched him for a couple of seconds. He didn't react quickly. As if he knew my presence was there, he just wasn't acknowledging it. He paused the video and lazily turned in his chair.
"I'm going to get some frozen yogurt, do you wanna' come with?" I asked. I gave him my best smile. However, he didn't answer right away though, like I thought he would.
"Yeah, of course."
"Alright, sure."

I had to follow Josh to his place so he can drop off his own car. I've been to his place before, but it was usually with everyone else.
"So how are you?" I asked as I drove. He adjusted his glasses before answering me.
"I'm doing fine. I haven't gotten fro-yo in a while though."
I nodded along. Music played faintly, and there was a sunset outside.
"So you were watching an old video before?" I asked. Curiosity had gotten the better of me.
"Yeah, I just like to stay a little bit longer and watch some of them...I've been doing that since Kate and I broke up," Josh answered. That's right, they broke up after Remina and I did. It was quite some time ago though.
"Are you still...sad about that?" I had to ask. Maybe that's why he seemed off.
"Not really, I just like to do it now. I don't do much at home, so I figured, what the hell," Josh chuckled. I smiled as well, at least he isn't moping about Kate.

parked the car and we both got out. He seemed excited for fro-yo.

"Do you want to sit here or go back to my place?" I asked. We both got our own cups. I decorated my own with plenty of candies while Joshua simply plopped them on his.
"Let's go back to yours," Josh grinned. On the drive back, he happily dug in to the yogurt. Sort of taunting me because I had to drive.
"You wanna' play a game?" I asked. I had initially planned to stream tonight but I was glad to host Josh instead. We sat at my couch, finishing our yogurt before I turned on my Xbox One.
I handed him a controller and we joined an online match for a first person shooter game.
The first round we played, we lost. Also the next one. But the third one we won by a landslide. And on the fourth round, Josh showed more hints of anger. He cussed some more under his breath. It was funny to watch. When the tv displayed "Defeat" on the screen, Josh sighed audibly out of anger and turned to me.
"Come on man, we did fine. You did good!" I encouraged, holding back my laughter through a smile.
"But that guy used only his knife and shanked me like 10 times!" Josh whined. It was then when I bursted out laughing.
"Okay fine, lets join a different match." I said when I calmed down a little.
The next match, there were people with mics. Josh and I joined a clan where they'd coordinate the whole game. We won a match together. The next one, we weren't so lucky. Josh was still cussing people out under his breath, everytime he thought he had an unreasonable death.
Once again, when the screen displayed "Defeat" Josh tossed the controller beside him on the couch. The others on our team started calling our usernames and blaming us for the lose.
As I quit the game, the last of their words seemed to quiet Josh. He didn't say a word. I watched the way he sat and the way he looked at the screen. Outside was getting dark, and the only light seemed to come from the tv at this point.
"You okay Josh? That game sucked," I tried to make conversation.
"Nah, I really blew that though," he sighed.
"Not really, they were being over dramatic," I dismissed. "They were being a bit unrealistic when they kept asking us to go into their ambush and shoot them all."
"No-I...I wasn't good enough to do it." He looked as though he were crumbling in his spot. He turned to look at me with a sad smile and gloomy eyes. I leaned over on the couch, still keeping eye contact.
"Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough," I said as I looked into his broken eyes. "They're just stupid gamers-"
"What do I do if I think I'm not good enough?" He replied. He pulled away and crashed back against the back rest of the couch.
It was this side of Joshua that I've never really come to know. He never really got so self conscious about himself. Not around us and definitely not in front of the camera. He seemed vulnerable right now and I wasn't too sure if he'd regret this all later. Showing himself and I didn't want our friendship to crash down because he didn't mean to say some things one time.
"Josh, your own opinion of yourself is what really matters."
"Well I don't care about that, Wes, I only care about your opinion about me." He said, he kept his eyes closed and stayed leaning back. His words were shocking so much that I couldn't render it.
"What do you mean?" it never really occurred to me that maybe there were some lingering feelings. That never would've been obvious, and if he hadn't said what he did, I never, ever would've thought so.
"Wes, I care about what you think of me. I care about everything about you."
I didn't know whether or not to believe him. I figured, it was him needing someone in this vulnerable state. I wasn't going to push him away though for a chance that he'd break permanently. I didn't know what to do. This emotion felt like mud, and he was slipping through my fingers so fast.
"I-I like you Wes. I really like you and a part of me thinks that I broke up with Kate because you were single and I want to be with you," Joshua confessed. He turned to look at me and this confession made some sense. Maybe it was me that would hurt him. Maybe when he seemed sad it was because I made some fun of him and teased him. Maybe it was me he was watching in the videos.
I got up from my spot, and pulled him him a bit closer with my hands, and gave him a kiss.
Surely, he didn't pull away so neither did I.
I think that's why I didn't stop on the experiment. Why I wanted to do it.
Along the lines, I just started to like him.
The conclusion is, he was unhappy. But right now, he's doing just fine.

I'm sorry for the wait! The next chapter should be another Courtivia unless I finish a different one. Hopefully it'll be out sooner! Thanks for reading!

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