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❝ To know the future is both a blessing and a curse ❞

❝ To know the future is both a blessing and a curse ❞

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Pythia Vablatsky was used to be overlooked. Growing up with the Sight, she was used to being placed under the harsh scrutiny of skeptics and non-believers, but for those that believed, they much preferred to turn their attention to her twin sister, at least when she too practiced the art of Divination. But now, with Dodona denouncing the practice entirely, it was just Pythia, overlooked and scorned by those around her for an ability she could only partly control, her sister defending her from afar but wishing she would give it up as well.

Starting her fifth year, Pythia hoped for something quiet. No escaped convicts from Azkaban or petrified students or trolls in the dungeons. Just a quiet year where she could study for her O.W.L.s and understand what it was she wanted to do with the rest of her life, something separate from her sister and her family, even her aunt who had taught her all that she knew. But it seemed the fates had something different planned.

With the incoming Triwizard Tournament, Pythia found herself plagued with visions and omens of danger, pushing her towards Hogwarts Champion Cedric Diggory. With his strong, silent demeanor and charming disposition, it was hard not to stay away, especially with his little habit of seeking her out any chance he could. But while spending time with him was more than grand, she couldn't help but be reminded of all the signs pointing towards the imminent threat looming just over the horizon.

With the present turning to the past and the future ever unfolding, Pythia finds herself in a race against fate, desperate to change the events of time. But as she continues along, she can't help but wonder if meddling with the future would bring the peace she needed or something more terrible than originally planned.

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auli'i cravalho as pythia vablatsky

❝ when no one notices you, it's easy to notice everyone else ❞

❝ when no one notices you, it's easy to notice everyone else ❞

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