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THE VABLATSKY TWINS WERE GIFTED. That was what most people said when they heard of the two girls who, just like their Aunt Cassandra, one of the most famous Seers in all of the Wizarding World, could see the future. Predict it, warn against it, whatever one would like to refer to the natural born ability as. Two young girls displaying the Sight at such a young age, they were as much unheard of as most true Seers themselves.

It was because of this lack of any real substance of true Seers that the girls, along with being called gifted, were also called a variety of other names along the lines of "fake" and "liars," which didn't bother them much when they were young, as they were sheltered away from the gossip by their dutiful mother, who wanted their daughters to grow up with their heads held high, though cared not for her sister-in-law's talk of them following the route of Divination, their father, who loved his family dearly and believed his sister's natural gifts and, as an extent, his daughters', and their ever loving Aunt Cassandra, from whom they learned to harness their Sight and the history behind it.

It started when, at the ripe age of seven, the two girls simultaneously looked up from their just about finished tea cups, turned to their parents, and said, in unison, "The bunny rabbits will die tomorrow."

While deeply unnerved, the two chalked it up to the girls playing a little trick, possibly trying to scare away their governess who was also in the room—they had, in fact, been successful, though that was not the point.

The point was, in fact, when Mrs. Vablatsky went to draw the curtains early the next morning, she was greeted by the sight of her entire garden covered in the dead carcasses of pure white rabbits, with no apparent cause of death.

Thus began a series of events seemingly predicted almost perfectly by the two girls—almost, as there were certain omens much too abstract for a mere child to decipher, much less one not yet learned in the craft. They knew not of how they came to understand the predictions, nor how they came to them, but only that it made a natural sense.

But the natural sense could only go that far and, despite the hopes of their mother and her friends that the girls would grow out of the strangeness into much more normal witch behavior, it was decided that the girls' Aunt Cassandra be brought in to teach them to control their Sight and use them, learn the various forms of Divination.

It was unclear as to why the girls were expected to learn Divination, as their parents both held rather high positions within the Ministry of Magic and expected them to follow in their footsteps, but they learned nonetheless and found that they both had a rather strong inclination towards certain methods.

Dodona, the more respected twin, if you were to ask anyone who truly noticed, excelled in palm reading, as it mostly required an adept understanding of the various meanings of the palm lines, and she was more than rather smart enough to understand.

Pythia, the other twin, for lack of a better term, excelled most in the reading of tea leaves, though it was a talent that most would call a curse.

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