1.7 // alternatives

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1.7 I always think back to the night mom packed Fae's bags

and demanded she'd find somewhere new to reside.

How different life would have been if we stayed in California,

if I had convinced Fae to not run away from her problems

but face them head on and accept what was to be.

If we had stayed, we'd still be disowned, her more so than me,

but she would still have Kayla. Possibly.

It was Kayla who broke her heart by not running away to New York to be with her.

It was Fae who struggled to accept that maybe, just maybe,

Kayla didn't love her as she had confessed many nights.

And maybe it was my fault too;

I was the older twin, the one who's supposed to look out for her younger siblings.

I had failed to take care of her by sitting by and watching her

as she drank herself to sleep and shot up her arm

in the corner to stay sane in the day hour.

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