2.3 // destination

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2.3 Once we had left home, 

we took shelter in the motel thirty minutes out,

planning to leave town early in the morning.

After locking herself in the bathroom for four hours,

Fae had planted herself on the bed, going over the plan

she mustered six times while counting our money a total of eight times.

With heavy swollen eyes she had and a drained body

she had fallen asleep with the covers grasped tightly 

in a fist underneath her chin.

It was near two A.M and I had failed to fall asleep,

constantly glancing at my sister who continuously 

whimpered and whined in her sleep.

We had an early morning ahead and 

although I did want to follow her across the U.S

and begin anew, you were on my mind –

and I knew that you'd be my weakness 

preventing me from driving down road.

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