4. The Timetable

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Firstly you have to look at the whole of this festive time. It used to last from the 6th day of Jul (December),

which was Wotan's Day and is now St. Nikolaus's Day, to the 6th day of Hornung (January), which was the old

Frigga Day and is now Epiphany, with the main celebration at Midwinter Night, the night of 21st of Jul, when all

the mountain tops would have been alight with fires.

We have become accustomed to some alterations to this timetable. The preparation time, Advent, now lasts from

the first Sunday in Jul to the 24th of Jul. Advent contains 4 Jul Sundays, Wotan's Day (6th), and the Winter

Solstice (21st). The Twelve Sacred Days of the season start with Yuletide Night on Jul 24th and end on Frigga

Day on Hornung 6th. These 12 days are filled with special celebrations, especially on New Year's Eve and New

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