7. Yuletide Songs And Stories

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Jul time is especially a time for children. Parents can't do enough to brighten up these dull days and long nights.
Just think about it: Where do our deep rooted feelings for Yuletide come from?
Mostly they are memories from our childhood days. First impressions last longer and leave the deepest sense for
these celebrations in our young folk. All later festivities are only meaningful if this initial understanding is
Because in Germany every generation has passed on the old traditions to their children, we now have the

German Yuletide, which is envied by all other Nations.

We also have to ensure that these old traditions get handed on in a true and unchanged way, so that they will

awaken in our children a strong feeling for their Homeland and their Folk, which will provide them with a sense

of security in this modern and stressful world.

At Yuletide children should sing our old Yuletide songs. This requires the mothers to learn our old songs and

teach them with all their hearts and souls. A joint evening at your local school will help all those parents who

were not taught properly in their own childhood to get it right for their children.

Our best Yuletide songs are:

1. High Up In The Winds

2. O Yuletide Tree, How Green Are Your Branches

3. Sacred Night Filled With Stars.

The Yuletide season is like no other a time for telling stories. The nucleus of our fairytales is thousands of years

old. If you are able to read between the lines the deeper meaning of the happenings at the Winter Solstice, you

will not only make the children happy with these stories, but increase your knowledge of the deeper meaning of

Yuletide and your racial inheritance.

It is customary now to tell one story every Jul Sunday which tells of the Solstice and the coming year.

• 1st Jul Sunday: Little Red Riding Hood -- The child with the red cap (Sun) goes into the dark wood to

visit old mother (Earth Mother) and is swallowed up by a monster; the young hunter brings her freedom

and with it the rebirth of the year.

• 2nd Jul Sunday: Snow White -- The princely child goes into the deep wood, reaches the kingdom of the

Gnomes (Mother Earth) but is killed by the bad one (step mother); she sleeps on a mountain in a glass

coffin (the ice winter) and is freed and brought home by a young hero.

• 3rd Jul Sunday: Maiden Marleen -- The princess with the golden hair (Sun) is incarcerated in a tower

(death of the Sun); the world becomes barren and empty; the prince tries to free her but is thwarted by

the bad bride (the bad one), until the time is right and he recognises the right bride and brings her home.

• 4th Jul Sunday: Sleeping Beauty -- The princess reaches the tower of the spinning old woman (the bad

one); she falls into a deep sleep; the world becomes barren and empty until the young prince comes and

freely walks through the rose hedges because the time is ripe (Winter Solstice); he wakes the sleeping

girl with a kiss, the world awakes and radiates in new light.

See also the old Saga of Sigurd and Brünnhilde in the Waberlohe -- Magic Fire story.

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