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    The backstage area is crammed with other artists as well as the crew. The cheering of the crowd echoes throughout the  broadcasting studio. My hands turn clammy while I follow Grant into the green room.
    "Are you guys ready?" Nat asks excitedly. I can feel my whole body temperature rise.
    "How much time do we have?" Gaio questions Mr. Justine who sits calmly in the corner.
    "Roughly ten minutes."
    "I'll be back," I excuse myself from the room. I assure them I'll be back in time. I wander around the maze of hallways around the building. Eventually I find myself on a patio outside. The night air carries a chill. With winter soon upon us, the air nips at my cheeks. Closing my eyes I take deep breaths in and out.
    "So this is where you're hiding out?" I whip around to see Spencer by the door.
    "You're here? I don't recall telling you about this," I say giving her a hug.
    "When has that ever stepped me from supporting you?" A smile. Nothing ever has. "Your anxiety must be an all time high. I'm sorry."
    "Well, it's always better when I'm with you."
    "Aww thanks. I hate to cut this short, but you need to get backstage. I'll be watching from the audience, you can do this."
    "But I feel like I'm going to royally screw up everything on live TV." I stress. Spencer walks to me and takes my head in her hands.
    "I'm with you every step of the way. This is no different than another one of our contests," she explains. "Now go in there and make me proud."

    Her words stick with me as I gather energy through the other members. I also draw strength from Spencer never ceasing support. My feet carry me lightly up the stairs and onto the stage. The audience cheers wildly for us. I'm amazed at the effect we have on them. We haven't even begun to play. Gaio whips out his drumsticks. Jem and Grant swing their shoulder strap about them. And Nat adjusts his mic. I on the other hand, shake out my fingers.
    "Next up we have a very special debut! Their moves are precise, they always have an endgame. This is Checkmate," The emcees introduce us briefly. Once they leave a sudden quiet falls over the crowd. The blood pounds through my veins as I place my fingers down for the intro.

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