Five Years Of Pain

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(Mark's POV)

I sobbed as I watched pan in bed with Rose and their child.

Ever since Pan stabbed me like a hundred times that night in the alley I've been locked up in a cell here in the underworld and chained to the wall. I get tortured ever day by Hades and he makes sure that there's a large TV in my cell that shows what Rose is doing. I've seen everything since the first night, it brings so much pain to my heart.

He raped her, got her pregnant, touched her body everywhere, he's going around storybrook causing trouble. He also kidnapped Rumpel a year ago, he's been using magic to mess with everyone's minds and makes them think that Rumpel just went out for a drive on that very day, they have no idea he's being held on Neverland, he casts the memorie spell every night when everyone in storybrook is asleep.

"Oh love." I said quietly with tears in my eyes

It made my blood boil when I saw Pan slap her just because she won't love him, because she won't love the demon that murdered her parents.

I watched as Peter once again kissed the back of Rose's head as she slept, still holding her daughter who was also asleep.

(Peter's POV)

It's 4:00 in the morning and I'm just lying her in bed with Rose and our daughter who is still asleep.

I just can't stop smiling as I look down at them, my beautiful lost girls. I know that Mark is seeing us right now so I kissed the back of Rose's head and I can almost feel his heart shattering.

Slowly unwrapping my arm from destiny and Rose's waist I got out of bed and walked over to destiny's side of the bed. Kissing her forehead, She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at me.

"Shhhh." I said quietly putting my finger up to my lips with a smile and she nodded.

I kissed Rose's forehead and destiny had a proud happy smile on her face, She wants us to be together. Good because once I'm done with storybrook were leaving for neverland.

"I'll see you tonight my little lost girl." I whispered to destiny stroking her cheek.

"Okay, I love you Peter Pan" she whispered back, I gave her one last kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too." I whispered and made my way out the window.

(Destiny's POV)

After Peter Pan left I went back to sleep in my mommy's arms.

When I woke up again it was from the sound of my mommy's voice.

"Sweetheart it's time to get ready for school." She said softly, I smiled and got out of bed.

I went to my room and got dressed After getting dressed I walked to the kitchen where mommy was cooking breakfast, I like getting up early so I can watch a little bit of TV and eat breakfast before going to school so after mommy gave me my plate of eggs,bacon and some home fries I brought it into the living room with me, sitting down on the couch I put on my most favourite movie.... Peter Pan.

(Rose's POV)

I sighed when Destiny put on Peter Pan again, if only she knew the truth about him. Part of me wants to tell her but she's only five years, would she understand everything, of course not. She only knows the Disney version of Peter pan.....not the real evil Peter pan.

"Destiny why don't you ever watch other movies, why do you always watch Peter Pan?" I asked sitting beside her.

"I love Peter Pan." She said happily and I felt me heart break in two. Ouch.

"Well there are many other better Disney movies that we have, why don't you watch one of them?" I asked.

"Why do you hate Peter Pan so much mommy?" She asked in a kinda sad voice.

Should I tell her the truth about Peter Pan, Should I tell her that she's actually Peter Pans daughter?

"Destiny.....I....I'm just not a fan of the movie I guess, wait who gave you that movie anyways?" I asked with curiosity, because I never got her that movie.

"Malcolm got me it, when we were at granny's and you left to talk with Emma for a minute, he came over and gave it to me." She said with a smile.

"Oh" I replied.

Destiny finished her breakfast and I walked her to where she gets on the bus.

"Bye bye mommy, I love you." Destiny said getting on the school bus.

"I love you too destiny." I said blowing her a kiss, she blow one right back to me.

After the bus was gone I got my work clothes from my room and headed to the diner.

I can't stop thinking about what Peter said, that he wants me to be the one to tell destiny the truth about him. How can I? After everything that he's done since the first night we met, how am I going to tell destiny that?

"Rose?" I heard a voice say, I didn't know I was zoning out.

I looked up and saw Malcolm sitting on the other side of the counter with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay, You don't look so well?" He said.

"I'm fine thanks, what can I get you?" I asked taking out my pen and note pad.

"Just a coffee thanks." He replied.

I got his coffee and gave it to him, I remember destiny saying that he was the one that gave her the Peter Pan movie.

"Umm Malcolm, did you give destiny a movie about....Peter Pan?" I asked

"Yes I did." He said and I nodded


"Why was that a bad thing?" He asked with one eye brow raised.

"No it's just.....never mind, she just never stops watching it." I said and he smiled.

"Well I'm glad she likes it, it's a good story....but something always tells me that there's awhole other different story about Peter Pan that's more interesting, one that no one outside storybrook knows about." He suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying not to know what he's talking about, as far as I know he doesn't know about the magic and all the fairy tale characters here.

He smiled and pulled out Henry's Once upon a time book.

"I know." He opened the book and flipped through the pages till he stopped and handed me the book.

As I looked at the page a tear fell from my eye as a saw a painted picture of me and Peter the first night we met, our whole story is here with the other fairytales.

I put the book down on the counter not wanting to look at the picture of the moment that ruined my life.

"Your Peter Pans love" Malcolm said looking me in the eyes.

I shook my head

"No...I'll never be his love, my heart will always belong to my husband Mark who died about five years ago." I said trying to hold back the tears.

"Well I'm sure he's happy where he is." He said with a smile

"Yeah I know it's just-" I couldn't keep it in anymore, the tears started falling from my eyes. "I'm so sorry can you excuse me for a moment." I said rushing to the back where I just let it all go.

"Mark."I whispered in a heart broken voice as I slid down the wall to the floor. "I need love." I cried looking down at my wedding ring.

(Mark's POV)

"I'm here my love."

Peter Pans Return (Book #2 Sequel to Peter Pans Kidnapped Love)Where stories live. Discover now