6) Hospitals

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We both walked out of the building and to his car. This is honestly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

The car ride to the hospital was silent, but not an awkward silence, more of a comfortable silence.

"Here we are. Do you want me to go up with you Em?" Derek asked turning his head towards me.

"Yes please, I want you to meet him." I said giving him a weak smile.

We both got out of the car and headed inside. Derek held my hand as we walked inside.

"Hey Em, who's this?" Natasha, Johnathans nurse asked me.

"Um, this is Derek. He's the boy I told you about yesterday."

I blushed a bit and Derek smiled.

"Treat her well young man, it was nice meeting you. I have to get to a patient now, I'll be in Johnathans room in about 20 minutes." Natasha said and hurried down the hall.

I lead Derek to the elevator and pressed floor 3. Room 381; the room I've grown use to.

Once the doors opened I guided him to Johnathans room. We both sat in the chairs beside his hospital bed.

"Hey J, I brought someone with me today. I told you about the boy who wrote me those sweet letters; well he's here today." I said smiling with tears brining my eyes.

"Hello Johnathan, I'm Derek. I don't know how much Em has told you, but I hope all good things. We both hope you wake up soon. I'd really like to get to know you better."

Once Derek said that I knew that I had found someone who truely cares.

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