Treat You Better

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So, I really wanna thank y'all for reading this. I can't describe how much fun it's been to make my way through Cassie's story. We're nearing the end, actually. Maybe 5 chapters, and I only have 3.5 of them left to write. But, I have a surprise planned in the next chapter! I'm bringing in characters from another series I plan on writing (have already started) called Red Mire Hearts, and yes, Cassie and Ward will appear numerous times. Would this be something y'all were interested in? Please, let me know! 

Enjoy the chapter! 



Today was the day I'd been dreading and looking forward to for the last two months.

It was Walker's first birthday.

The entire room back yard of the apartment complex was covered in yellow and green streamers and John Deere decor. Walker was decked out in an adorable pair of overalls and his brand new cowboy boots that his Papa had bought him, and a backwards baseball cap that matched the one tucked neatly on to Ward's head. Daddy had come early to help Ward and me set up and was smiling at something Ward said to him. While the men set up, I decorated and kept an eye on my preoccupied little guy. 

My heart was practically in my throat as my Daddy began to grin from ear to ear and reached out to clap Ward on the shoulder while nodding. I'd only ever seen my father do that once before in my life and it was the day that Principal Edwards had shown up to our house to present us with scholarship for my college tuition. They pulled away from one another and dispersed to find another table, probably figuring that our extended family would show up with a million gifts for my birthday boy. I knew that I had invited at least fifty people, but was certain more would show. 

I was very excited -- I was meeting Ward's grandparents today. In the last two months since we'd returned from Uncle Irv's we'd spent nearly ever waking moment together. He was by the house when he left for work, dropping a kiss on both mine and Walker's foreheads before wandering off to work with a freshly packed lunch and snacks for Daniel and The Doubter, which was my nickname for Trey. I'd met them numerous times in the last eight weeks, but the only one that had warmed to me was Daniel, who spent a good amount of time trying to charm cake out of me. He was the typical blond play boy, with killer charm and sexy cowboy appeal, but he didn't seemed to do it for me. Likewise, Trey was a sight to behold, with his deep tan and teasing Spanish accent, but aside from the fact that he brooded constantly around me, he held absolutely no appeal. It was all Ward. His silver eyes, spine tingling laugh and panty melting smile. To top it all off, my son was so deeply in love with him that I couldn't help but want to throw myself at him. And I knew, without a single doubt, that Ward adored my Walker. It was in everything he did for him. The gifts he constantly seemed to bring, the bedtime stories he insisted on reading. 

I also knew that every attempt at trying not to fall in love with him was pointless, because I'd already dove head first into the murky waters without an ounce of regret. I was absolutely smitten with Ward Montgomery and whether or not we went anywhere beyond friends, I knew nothing would ever change that. 

From the moment he'd knocked on my front door, I'd been destined to give my heart to him.

* * 

God obviously had a bad sense of humor. 

Why, might one ask?

Well, because my ex-husband and his heavily pregnant fiance were standing in the yard where my son's first birthday was being held, grasping hands and carrying a bright blue gift bag. Walker was being entertained by his Papa and the elder Ward Montgomery, while I was putting the finishing touches on his smash cake and the larger one I'd be serving to guests. I hadn't bothered to invite Dalton to the party since his actions at the last family get together, and to be totally honest, Walker wouldn't have noticed him not being there in the first place. 

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