#Junji Rogue (ending)

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"You're very sure about this Prime?".

A concerned voice asked Prime. She did a right choice. Verciera is something that you should give a chance in life.

"Yea. Let's go".


Verciera,Hanari,Hiroshi's Knights, Hiroshi and Prime  headed to Pyragion.


"Well...well..well I never thought that you'd be here so early weaklings Lord J would be happy to see you".

As they stepped on the entrance of Pyragion. Liliraria's eye's focused on Prime and shocked is written all over her face. Liliraria appeared with her hundreds of men. Prime's aura become's different her hair turned into black orange her eyes as well. Her nails showed up and her long and sharp fangs. With out a notice she attacked Liliraria. She took her neck and bite it. Liliraria tried to fight against her but she can't. Prime's sucking her neck hungrily.

"You didn't expect this aren't you ? I'm still alive. This is for my father and for my mother you killed Liliraria".

She cut Liliraria's neck using it's own dagger. Hiroshi and Verciera's expression is full of amazement.

"Hiroshi, Verciera, Hanira. Be careful here. J-just don't die".

Prime said as she turned her back towards to the real enemy.


She stood up in a moment.

"You're my mate. So please live for us".

Without a word she vanished. She's already at the 6th floor of the Palace of Payragion. She saw how the three fought against J's men. She turned her back and walk towards to a door full of Vampire guard's. They attacked Prime. But everytime they tried to do it. They hang theirselves on the wall and turned to ashes. She remained calm and entered the door.
A man with a royal red with a golden crown on his head turned. She could feel it again.

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