#The real enemy

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"Yes Lord?".

"Let her in".

The Golden door opened and Verciera entered. Prime's eyes is full of admiration. The place is beyond perfect. It was made of pure gold and marmols.


Verciera abruptly ran to her and hugged her tightly. She's confused.

"I thought you'll just gonna leave me there. What happened to you?".

A smile escaped on her lips. Maybe the necklace has something to do about her situation. Verciera froze up and her green eyes changed into color black. She's shivering.

"The red moon is about to rise. A legendary harpire will rule. It's very dark . The shadowless and the powerful one will arise. Three days from now...Chaos is coming."

Prime was surprised and Hiroshi remained silent. A moment later Verciera is back. She's sweating hard and shivering.


Prime couldn't finished her question as Hiroshi cut her.

"The time has come".

He seriously uttered and looked at the night sky on the window.

"Prime, the oracle and her predictions are real".

"What do you mean?".

"On the 17th day of July. The 2nd arising of the Magnifique Red and Black moon will happen. And you are our way to triumph".

Hiroshi said.

"Prime you are a half-Vampire and half-harpy. You are a Mythical Harpire. And we need you on this".

Prime's head hurts again. A blurry vision appeared. It is her holding her mother's face. As her mother put her necklace on her neck.

"One day, you'll know what's the real meaning of this in your life baby. But I can only say. This will protect you and your people when the time comes I love you baby".

And her mother kissed her hair.
And Liliraria showed up. Cut Primevilla's neck on her front. With out a word.

"I know now".

The Shadowless VillainWhere stories live. Discover now