Jackson took his finger of my lips, everyone looking straight at Jackson. He quickly glanced at Mark. "I know you guys would've never seen me this way, but I have come to my conclusions, and I'm...gay. I'm jealous...of...Mark and his girlfriend." He said standing up. "A-Ashley?" Mark asked looking down. "Yeah, and I'm hurt seeing y'all together." he says walking towards Mark. "I'm I'm sorry Jackson, I didn't think you would feel this way." Mark said almost crying. "It's all okay though, we're a happy family, and now that that is off my chest I'll start to hang around more. Now bring it in." Jackson said pulling us in for a group hug. "I love you all!" Youngjae yelled. "Haha love you too!" We all yelled. Jr pecked my lips. "Wait you guys! I also have a confession!" Bambam yelled. "We'll look at that! Another one! Now what is it bam?" Mark said. "Well you guys I met this girl, and I like her. A lot. And I want to get to know her better, I just don't know how" Bambam said. "Well do you know her name?" I asked. "Elizabeth Nam." He said daydreaming. "ELIZABETH?!" Me and Sam yelled. "You guys know her?!" Yugyeom asked. "We used to hate her, until we actually get to know her, she was so nice" Sam said. "Well can y'all help me get to know her more and hang with her?'' He asked right in our faces. "Of course!" I said. "Thank you!" He said hugging us. "Well looks like we had a fun night, now let's all get rest." Jb said saying bye to everyone, then pulling Sam to their room.
from strangers to someone you'll never forget
RomanceI hope you enjoy this story :)) I will add every now and then ;)