Prologue: Making New Friends

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HI! I’m Isabella Langdon. I go by Saab. Yes, two A’s but it’s read as just one. I’m in year twelve. I love painting and long walks; a complete opposite of my pretty… weird sister, Viola. I like pop music, she like music that makes your ears pop (i.e. Metal). I like drawing flowers, she likes drawing monsters and supernatural stuff. But despite the differences, we get each other. And this is my story:

I’m not gonna say that it all started in my junior year, but I’m starting my story there. It was mid semester when I, we, saw something that I didn’t like. Me and my best friend, Louis was in our usual lunch place, the field bleachers.  We liked it there, ‘because almost everyone was inside the cafeteria. It’s not really sunny here so you would understand. As I said, almost everyone, we were walking back to the building when I heard a girl crying. Louis and I tried to find where the crying came from. And we saw a girl with jet black hair with brown complexion. She was a little bit… fat.

“What are we gonna do?” I whispered to Louis.

“Leave. She needs the extra crying so her fats would shake off.” He said, in a joking way. I slapped him.

“No we’re not. Erm, Hi. Are you alright?” I asked.

“She’s crying for god’s sake! Watcha think?” Louis asked annoyingly.

“Shut up! I’m just trying to start a conversation!” I said. I walked towards the girl who doesn’t stop crying.

“What happened?” I asked. She still didn’t answer. Louis scoffed of annoyance. He’s not really fond of people. He thinks everything is an act. He has an act going on for himself, actually. See, Louis’ gay. He kept it a secret. I was the only one who knew. He was scared of what his parents might say. They’re not homophobic, as to what Louis had said. But he’s just afraid that he might disappoint them.

“Are you ok?” I tried asking again. She started to move I tried to catch a glimpse of her face but she looked away.

“As much as how cliché it may sound, I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanna help.” I said slowly holding her back and rubbing it for comfort.

“Give me your hanky.” I mouthed to Louis. He disobeyed in disgust. I gave him a sharp look and he finally gave in still looking annoyed. I got my water bottle from my bag and handed it to her.

“Here. You might need a drink.” I handed it to her and she took it from me slowly. She finally looked up just to drink the water. Both Louis and I gasp at what we saw. She had bruises and cuts all over her face.

“What happened?” Louis asked, worry in his eyes. She started sobbing again.

“Who did this?” I asked. She shook her head as if she was afraid to tell who did it, maybe scared that they would know and hurt her even more.

“You have to tell us.” I asked persistently.

“Mark and his gang.” She said. It was the first time she talked. I can tell that she’s not from here. Her accent was different, like American. But she didn’t look American.

“Mark? Mark who? What gang?” I asked facing Louis maybe he knew.

“Sophomores. She’s Mark’s half sister. Same dad. He has made her life miserable ever since their dad died.” A shaky Irish voice had said while taking a look at the girl, worried.

“Kris, are you okay?” he asked the girl. Kris, her name is Kris.

“Erm… Sorry but who are you?” I asked. I was kind of mad at the boy the fact that he knew their story and yet he didn’t help her.

“Niall. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. They had me locked up in the bathroom.” He explained. I noticed a cut on his left eye and he was wet, maybe from toilet water. He was tearing up.

“Are you his boyfriend?” I asked, trying to figure out what to do. He shook his head. She giggled quite a bit, I was a bit surprised at what happened. What the hell was happening? Niall let out an outburst of laughter and her giggle turned into a laugh as well. Louis and I stand there, clueless.

“I’m sorry. No, I’m not her boyfriend. In fact, I’m gay.” He said. I looked at Louis and he completely knew what I was thinking. He rolled his eyes and I chuckled. The girl, erm… Kris winced. She got hurt really bad.

“Come on, I’ll help you two get to the clinic.” I said.

“No! No, Clinic!” she pleaded.

“What? Why? You have to get that checked. You might get infected with who knows what.” I tried convincing her.

“If we go to the clinic, they’ll call her stepmother, Mark’s mum. Ad she’s not very fond of her presence, either.” Niall said.

“We have to get you clean, somehow. How about the hospital nearby? I can drive you there.” I offered.

“Saab, we have classes. Can’t we take them later?” Louis protested.

“You can go to class without me. She’s hurt!” I exclaimed.

“Food, have you two eaten?” I asked. Niall shook his head, embarrassed.

“Oh fuck it! We’ll drive to the hospital then go grab something for them to eat.” I said.

“ I won’t go to class if you won’t.” Louis said. I gave him a hug and kissed his cheeks.

“Let’s go.” I said offering my hand to Kris. She hesitantly took it and I carefully guided her to the car. I notice Niall almost dragging his foot following us.

“What’s wrong with your foot?” I asked.

“It’s erm, broken.” He said.

“We’ll get that checked as well.” I said.

As we drove to the hospital, I thought to myself, how can any human do this? Whoever did this was going to pay. But on the other side, Louis and I had prospects. Well, future friends. I just felt that it’s going to be a start of a good friendship. Maybe something more than that for Louis and Niall. 

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