Chapter One: Caramel Macchiato

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Hi! I’m Louis Tomlinson. Call me Tommo, Louis or Lou. My mum calls me Boo Bear. Sounds funny, but you’ll get used to it. You see, I’m a closet gay. Not the I-wanna-be-a-girl gay but more of a i-like-boys kind of gay. But I like writing novels and reading books. Does that make you any gay-er? My best friend Saab is the only who knows about me. I’m in year 13. I’m in love with a guy who doesn’t even know how to pronounce my name. He calls me “Lewis”. But who am I to correct the class president slash hottest guy in school, Liam Payne. And, I’d rather not get involved with his life at the moment as he’s dating the prima bitch in school, Harmony Clark: pretty name, pretty face, rotten personality. And here’s the thing, she’s my step sister. Ugh! How did I know I was gay and in love with Liam, you might ask? Well, it all started with… a tall caramel macchiato. 

It started on a Saturday midnight in a Starbucks café near my neighborhood, under an apartment building. I am a regular costumer. It was my place to think. The baristas would know my drink: a soy caramel macchiato. No, I’m not vegan, just lactose intolerant. I was sitting in my usual seat reading my novel. It’s a seat where I can see everyone where I can make my own background stories for them basing on their moods and looks. It’s not rude, the fact that, I just keep them to myself and really, they’re just considered models in a story if you catch what I mean. 

I was scribbling on my notebook, writing about the stout man with a huge mustache. He owns a deli but he had a dream of being a pilot, but he’s too short to be one. The café door bell clung. It could be a new prospect. It was a boy from school. He looked cute, but what am I saying? I’m a boy. I tried convincing myself. My dad was a marine and I don’t know what he would say if his only son was gay. Anyway, the boy, Liam I think, was his name. I can overhear his and Jessie’s—the barista—conversation. She was totally flirting with him and he flirted back. Bitch. What? No, Louis. Stop thinking like that, you like girls. 

What’s taking my coffee so long? I asked to myself.

“Soy Caramel Macchiato for Louis” they called out. Finally.

“Venti Upside-down Caramel Macchiato for Liam.” Another one goes. Why was his drink gone fast? I was here first for like five minutes and he just arrived. What the heck. I grabbed my cup and went back to my table. I took a sip of my hot coffee, but I mostly drank foam. I took another sip and it tasted different, somewhat more sweet, something like…

“Milk!” I yelled. I looked at my cup and it said “Liam” on the cup. I started to feel sick.

“Liam?! Where the fuck are you?” I yelled. I looked for the once good-looking boy, now is a careless boy who’s about to give me diarrhea.

“Hey!” I yelled. He can’t hear he has earphones on. I tapped his table to get his attention.

“Sorry, what?” he asked. That’s my coffee you’re drink---“ my stomach was rumbling. It’s coming. Shit.

“Uhm... Can I help you?” he asked.

“Coffee—Milk—“ I pointed at my coffee that was supposed to be his“Lactose intolerant—“ I pointed to myself as I try holding in my shit.

“Oh. Oh my god! I am so sorry!” I didn’t notice.” He said.

“I—Uh—Do you wanna go to my flat and use my bathroom?” he asked.

“That would be nice.” I said trying to speak up but it’s really coming. He opened the door and I ran inside.

“First door to your left!” he yelled. I quickly ran and did what’s needed to be done. 

When I was finished, I went out and felt dehydrated. I saw Liam sitting on his couch. On the table in front of him were two cups of coffee.

“Hey, I’m really sorry about that.” He said standing up.

“It’s fine. I should’ve been more careful.” I said.

“If it makes you feel any better, I bought a new one for you. It has soy.” He said.

“Just how I like it.” I said. “Thank you.” I said as he handed me the cup.

“You can stay and hang out if you want. Louis, right?” he asked. I nodded.

“You’re in my geometry.” He said. He was in my geometry? I asked myself. I didn’t know that. “You’re friends with Isabella, the painter?” he asked.

“Yeah, how did you know all of that.” I asked.

“Student body president.” He pointed at himself.

“Right…” I said. “And I use to date her sister.” He said.

“What?!” I responded quickly. “In year three.” He laughed. I sighed.

“But, Viola didn’t go to St. Francis in year three.” I said.  

“So did I. We’re both from Wolverhampton. The summer before year four, they left to live here in London. And we lost connection since then. To my surprise, she goes to the same school as I do now. She was different, she used to be all sunshine and rainbows. But now she’s all dark and shadows. I barely recognized her.” He explained.

“I can’t believe you were friends with Viola Langdon.” I shook my head of disbelief. 

We chatted for hours. He couldn’t believe I was Mon’s, Harmony, sister. She never mentioned me and she said to him that she was an only child. Which was technically true but the thing is, our parents got married, now we’re step siblings. Our coffee went cold. He offered me cake. He had told me almost a lot about himself. How he became friends with “Hipster Harry”, his relationship with his girlfriend, Harmony and how she was like, though he doesn’t sound like he’s in love with this girl. He also told me that he was living with his friend Harry, who was then nowhere to be found. He said he usually goes out partying with friends. Liam doesn’t go out much. He had a deal with his parents that he’ll go straight back to Wolverhampton if he flunks even just one test. I also felt open to Liam. It felt easy talking to him. I even fantasized for a second that he and Harry were gay and they fool around through the whole flat. I have a dirty, dirty mind. But what if they were? 

During the span of three hours of talking to Liam, some things went clear and some which I thought was crystal clear all became a blur. I knew that I was really gay. I can’t really hide that to myself anymore. I knew that I don’t generally like boys, but I like-liked Liam Payne. But his and Hipster Harry’s sexuality left a big question mark on my head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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