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_Your dream_

I sat behind a trash bin so the men who were chasing after me wouldn't find me. "Where the hell is that whore?!" I hear one of the men scream. I push back more into the shadows but accidentally knock a can over making noise. I curse under my breath and run out from behind the trash bin to get away from the people chasing me. "There she is! GET HER!" I hear a bunch of footsteps racing towards me which makes me run faster.

I race through the alleyway that I was in only to see that it's a dead end. I look around for an exit but see none. It's all just brick. I turn back around and see the people who were chasing me with smirks on their faces. "Why not we have fun with her before we kill her?" The leader of the group suggests and my eyes widen as horrible thoughts race through my mind. I press my back to the wall and feel a sharp sudden pain on my left cheek. I hiss and bring my hand up. I pull my hand away and see a crimson liquid on my fingers.

I feel more pain all around my body. I scream out in pain and fall to the floor covering my face. I shut my eyes closed and imagine me somewhere else, some place better. I feel a hard kick on my back making me gasp for air. I'm flipped onto my back to look at the leader of the group. I try to sit up but he places his foot on my chest, slamming me back down to the ground which makes me hiss in pain. I hear a click above me. I quickly look up to see a gun pointed to my face. I feel a shiver go down throughout my whole body. I glare at the dude which his smirks get bigger at. "Bye you worthless piece of shit," I hear a voice I haven't heard in so long say which makes my eyes widen in fear. I watch as the man is about to pull the trigger to end my life.

_End of your dream_

I sat up scaring the crap out of Hanji who was in my room. "You're okay!" She exclaimed and tackled me on the end. I groan but hug back. "What time is it?" I ask her while looking around seeing that it's dark outside my window. "It's about 11 o'clock at night right now, go back to bed and I'll explain everything tomorrow morning while we get ready for school," I nod at Hanji's words and push her off of me. "Night sis," I give her a small smile as she walks towards the door of my bedroom. "Night (Y/N)," she says and turns the lights off, making darkness surround my room. I lay down and get comfortable so I won't be incredibly tired for school tomorrow. I shut my eyes and pray to at least get sleep tonight.

•|Time Skip|•

I woke up and done my normal routine, like taking a shower and such

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I woke up and done my normal routine, like taking a shower and such. I put a chest binder on then slipped on a white muscle shirt. I put a white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves over that then put on ripped blue jeans. I notice that my long (H/C) will be noticeable if I don't cut it somehow. I put on black boots as I was thinking on what to do with my hair. I don't wanna have to wear a beanie for the rest of the time, I thought as I put a watch on my (S/C) wrist. I put other bracelets on and look at the clock on my dresser to see that I have another hour until I have to leave for school.

"Fuck, I woke up too early," I cursed under my breath as I put stuff that I would need for school in my messenger bag. Wait! I know what to do! I thought and rushed back to my bathroom. I rummages through everything until I find scissors and a powered razor with clip ons. Honestly, I question why I kept it before but it comes in handy now. I decided to cut my long (H/C) to a little bit above my shoulders, just a little. I grab the scissors and cut my luscious hair with no regrets. My hair falls all around me while I stare in the mirror at my new hair cut. I smile in satisfaction and part my hair underneath. I left about 3 inches of my hair alone while my hair above is in a small bun.

I take the powered razor and shave the hair I left into an undercut. I brush off any stray hair on me and look at my work. "Damn, I did good," I tell myself while looking in the mirror at my new hair. I quickly pick up all my forgotten hair that was anywhere in the bathroom and put it in the trash and go back into my room. I look at the clock and see I have about 15 minutes until I have to leave. I put my glasses on then grab my messenger bag. I look around my room one last time and my eyes land on my wallet and phone. I grab those and stuff them into my bag then walk out my room towards downstairs where I can hear Hanji.

"Morning Hanji," I sit down in a stool in my kitchen as Hanji makes herself breakfast. "Good morning (Y/N)!" Hanji says with so much energy. She turns to me and then she has a shocked expression. "What happened to your hair?!" She screams then cups my head, moving it side to side. I swat her hands away from my head and glare. "I just wanted to cut my hair," I rub my neck and feel my now stubby hair in the back of my head. "Enough about my hair, explain what the hell happened to me," I demand from her and she continues to do what she was doing. "Alright!" She exclaims then her glasses suddenly get one of those glare on the glass like in anime, suddenly feeling worried.

She goes onto a full explanation of how she accidentally left one of her syringes in my room and I pricked my finger with it, which knocked me out. While I was knocked out, she tried to find a remedy which left Levi to take care of me. She said she found it quickly and was gonna give it to me but she didn't know how but Levi found a way, then I got better. I hope that's the only thing that- Hanji cut my train of thought off with her next words.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, the way Levi gave you the antidote was by kissing you!"





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