Brat ||One Shot||

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"Get the hell up brat!"

Levi screamed as he watched you snooze off in your bed. He was beyond irritated because not only were you sleeping in, you're about to miss training. 

"If you want to be stuck with cleaning up horse shit for a month, then don't get up."

You groaned as you decided to roll out of bed and stand at full attention in front of your short tempered Corporal. You crossed your arms over your chest as he glares at you. 

"Training starts in 20 minutes brat," Levi said and walks out of your bedroom. 

"I despise you for waking me up," You glared at the back of his head as he walked away from you. He stopped and glanced behind him straight at you. 

"Shut the hell up and get dressed," He walked away from your line of sight as you rubbed your tired eyes. 

You ran your fingers through your messy (H/C) hair, or at least tried to. You picked up your uniform, plus a towel, and ran to the showers. 

You took a decently fast shower and got dressed, not caring if your hair was still damp. That wasn't important unless you want to be killed by your Corporal. You ran out of your room and down the flight of stairs to the cafeteria. You rushed in and only saw a couple of people inside. 

You grabbed an apple and ran out the room, chomping on the red fruit. You dashed out the front doors towards the training field finishing up the apple quickly. You threw out the last bit of the apple and jogged up to the rest of the cadets who looked just as tired as you. 

You walked up to Eren as he talked to Mikasa and Armin. You smiled and waved to Armin who waved back with a small blush on his face. You turned to Mikasa who you just nod your head to, in which she does the same. You lastly looked at Eren and smiled as he ruffled your hair. 

"Line up!" An angry voiced screamed and all the cadets, minus you, got into a line as Levi approached. You followed everyone else slowly as Levi stood in front of you all. 

 You barely payed attention as Levi rambled on about how there's an expedition coming up and all of you need to prepare. You just wanted to get the day over with and get back to your date with your bed. 

"Brat, are you paying attention or are you that fucking dumb?" You hear a pissed off voice. You looked down at Levi who was glaring up at you. You stopped dozing off and looked him in the eye. 

"Sorry Corporal," You decided to pay attention before you get a beating of your life. Corporal Levi decided to keep an eye on you just incase you decided to doze off, which you almost did if it weren't for Levi scaring the living crap out of you. 

"Since the expedition is coming up in a couple of days you all get the next few days off," everyone cheered as Levi announced this exciting news. You were especially happy since now you can sleep in without your Corporal waking you up so god damn early to train. 

"But!" You groaned and slouched as the Corporal has more to say. I swear if he makes us clean--.

"All of you brats have to clean for today," You threw your arms up in the air in frustration. Fucking called it.

Every groaned and started heading back to the castle to get started on cleaning. You were at the end of the bunch until you were stopped by Corporal himself. What does he want you say? You have no idea. 

"You're going to clean my office and if I find one fucking speck of dust--."

"Yeah yeah, you'll kill me. So original Corporal."

"Shut the fuck up and clean."

||Time Skip||

After five hours, yes five hours, of non stop cleaning you were finally done. At least you hope so. Your hands feel like they've been dipped in acid. Your fingers are bleeding from how hard you were scrubbing everything and your once white pants are now stained with all your sweat. 

You gathered all the supplies and was about to open the door to leave Levi's office until someone slammed the door open. You looked up and saw Corporal Levi staring at you. You ignore him and try to walk past him to put all the supplies away and bandage your hands. 

Levi grabs your elbow which stops you in your tracks as you try to leave. You look at him as he looks down at your bruised and bleeding hands. Levi looks up at you then grabs all the cleaning supplies out of your hands. You watch in confusion as he puts everything on his clean floor. 

"Sit," Corporal Levi points at the chair in front of his desk. You walk over and sit down, placing both your hands on your lap. You watch your Corporal as he walks behind his desk and opens one of the drawers, pulling out gauze, some ointment and bandages. He walks back over to you and kneels in front of you.

"Give me," He blantly says. You tilt your head, not really understanding what he was asking for. He huffs in anger and grabs one of your bleeding hands harshly. You hiss in pain but Levi ignores you and starts cleaning up your hand. You watch amazed as he gently spreads on your hand, completely ignoring the pain as this stone cold man fixes you. 

He places the gauze on your hand gently and wraps some bandages to keep it in place. He motions to your other hand, which you give willingly, and let him do what he did to the other hand. 

He finishes up and puts everything he took out back away in his desk. You stared wide eyed at him as he sat in his office chair. He looked up at you as you kept staring at him. You glanced down at your bandaged hands then quickly back at your Corporal. 

"Thank you," You mumbled then got up to leave his office to bring all the supplies back. You bend down to pick them up when Levi's voice stops you. 

"Leave those there," Not only has he bandaged your hands but now he's not letting you take the supplies back? What the hell is up with him today?

"But Corporal--."

"Call me Levi," You stood confused as you stared at him. What the hell is going on?

"Okay Levi, I need to put those away," Levi stood up and stalked over to you. You stayed in your spot as he got closer to you. When he got close enough to you he grabbed both of your hands in which you hissed. 

"If you really think you can carry all that stuff back to the storage room then you're more stupid than I thought," You glared at Levi and yanked your hands away from him. You yanked his office door open, groaning in pain a little, and marched to the stairs to go find your friends. 

Levi watched you from his office doorway with a small smirk on his face. "Brat," He turned around and closed his office door to get back to all the paperwork just sitting on his desk, waiting to be signed. 


I'm really bored and got stuck on what to write for the next chapter.

Why not write a one shot until I can think of something right??

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