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"Uh, hi..." The shy red head began feeling uneasy by the stare of these three grown up men in front him. "I'm Mo Guan Shan and I will be your uh..." He stutter, rubbing his temple. "...babysitter... For the whole summer."

Complete silence filled the athmosphere. The only thing that can be heard was the tv show in the television.

The three men studying the babysitter.

"What?" A male with pale hair and sharp eyes finally broke the silence. He peered over at his brothers then back at Shan, his expression confused. "Who hired you?"

"Your parents." Shan answers.

"What!" Jian yi jumped out of his sit, Shan's eyes widen a bit, surprised. "Seriously? They went into a 2 weeks vacation without us and left someone to babysit us for the whole summer? How old do they think we are? We're already 18 for fucks sake."

"This sucks, but it's for a the better isn't it? We almost blew the house off once and with him in charge, we have someone to blame for our own mistakes." A dark haired male spoke up, his tone deep and devilish. Shan have shivers listening to his voice, as if he's nothing but trouble. "Right, carrot boy?"

Shan's eyebrows twitched and his expression morphed into a frown. "Listen up," He clenched his fists, doing the best he can to refrain himself from punching the male for calling him such names. "I don't care if you like me here or not, but your parents hired me so you can't bitch around."

The three went silent at his snap, until a laughter broke it. All of their gazes fell upon the dark haired man earlier. He tian.

He tian stood up and strolled closer to their babysitter. He towered over him, his eyes wide in a threatening manner before speaking, his voice gravelly, "how dare you talk to us like that? Carrot boy?" Shan winced because his voice feels like sandpaper.

Shan's face paled and his fingers gone cold. He swallowed the big lump inside his throat and tried to cover off the obvious fear in his eyes.

"S-so what...?" He tried to act tough.

"Nobody..." He tian lift Shan's head by the chin using his pointer finger. He skim his finger down his neck before fully wrapping his hand around it. Shan's mouth quirk down, showing pain when the man squeezed on his skin. He leaned in his ear, "...Talk to us, like that." His breath blew in his ears sending shivers down his spine. Shan swallowed hard, a sweat rolling down his face.

"He tian," a voice cut in, ordering him to leave the babysitter alone. He tian flashes Shan a smirk when he relased him. Shan backs off, clutching onto his chest. His heart hammering against his ribcage. It felt like he was held underwater for a second there. "Stop scaring him. He's already here so we can't do anything about it. If we kicked him out our parents will just screw us over again." Zhang xixi says.

"Alright! hey babysitter, can you get us some beer? It's on the fridge." Jian Yi asked, his tone mirthful. A pissed mark appeared​ on Shan's forehead.

"I'm not a maid. I'm a babysitter. So go ahead and get it yourselves---"

"Do you seriously wanna get fucked?" He tian piped in.

Shan shivered. He immediately shut his mouth closed and rushed into the kitchen. After he got them, he went back inside the living room and placed it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Happy?" He mumbled.

"Good boy, carrot kid." He tian's lips quirk up into a smirk, petting Shan's head. Something snap inside the babysitter and quickly gripped He tian's wrist which he uses to pet his head.

Babysitter  ☞ 19 Days/He Tian X Mo Guan ShanWhere stories live. Discover now