Short Story and Poetry

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Ingrid sighs as she slips into English class and drops into the chair right next to Diamond, who, for all her rotundity, is quiet as always. Ingrid loves English class, really, but today is just...


And before someone says it, no, it is not her time of month.

"Hello," Diamond murmurs softly, not looking up from the thin book in her hands. Every few minutes, she scribbles something down, the squeaking of her mechanical pen the only other sound that comes from her desk other than her soft breathing.

"Hi, Tie Dye," Ingrid replies, grinning slightly when Diamond pauses to shoot the girl a glare. "I made a promise."

"Curse your mock sense of integrity," Diamond grumbles, brutally stabbing her pen into the pages of her notebook. "I thought we both agreed-that never happened."

Ingrid's grin grows wider. "Your face didn't even turn back to its normal color until months later!"

Before Diamond can respond, the teacher walks into the classroom, and the Italian fellow chocolate enthusiast is too much of a goody two shoes to violate the classroom rules-which are more like suggestions written in five point hieroglyphics font. (In her heart, it will always be a font.)

Ingrid, who just so happens to also be a goody two shoes, who just so happens to also be a wallflower, who just so happens to be the Queen of Snark When Not In Front of People She Does or Doesn't Know, whispers, "Besides, you should've seen Anthony's face. Priceless!"

And if Diamond had more confidence than the sad little teaspoon that she currently holds, she would bother to respond.

Instead, her face turns bright red, and she stiffly turns away.

Thank you so much for inventing paintball.


"So, I heard that you guys came out of the closet together, huh?"

Diamonds face turns redder than before as she groans and hides her face in her book. "Shut up, Ingrid."

Ingrid reminds herself to send Kylie some flowers or something later on. 


Because poor Anthony and Diamond are that one pair in school that everyone ships together.

For anyone wondering about which character is which, I'll be posting my character descriptions some time soon. (Just a note, they are meant to be stereotypical, and they may be offensive. There will be some that will probably need explanation for my reasoning behind it, therefore don't be afraid to ask about it-but that's all going to happen sometime in the future.)

PS If you bother to cross-reference the books, I'm sure that you'll be able to find enough hints to cobble together a good enough theory as to who the character you're wondering about is.

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