The Boy Who Sleeps On My Bedroom Floor- Part Eleven (Part 1)

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After trudging around the shops with Luke for over three hours I was more than bored. My friends thought I was weird because I could only spend so much time looking at and trying on clothes. What made the trip that little bit worse was trying item after item on for the party that night and not being able to make a decision of what I was going wear because the person who's opinion I was asking for just said 'you look beautiful' in every single outfit. I was in a beautiful pair of black velvet peep toe Christian Louboutin heels and a backless LBD. I smiled at my appearance in the mirror in my little changing booth and pulled all my hair over my left shoulder so that the backless design could be clearly seen. I pulled aside the the curtain in one swift movement and observed Luke's reaction as I did a little twirl. His jaw dropped and when I was facing him again he was still gaping at me. I smiled at him and he blinked quickly and closed his mouth, colour flushing quickly to his cheeks. I had removed my bra in order to see what the dress would look like when worn properly. Obviously, I couldn't wear a bra with a backless dress.

"You look beautiful, Kiddo," Luke said.

"You said that about all the others though too," I whined, walking towards him and swaying my hips in what I hoped was a sexy manner.

"And I meant it. You look beautiful in whatever you wear, whether it's your Hello Kitty jammies or the sexy little backless number you're wearing right now," he said, his face dangerously close to mine and his breath passing over my face in cool puffs. My heart fluttered in my chest and I fought the urge to kiss him there and then. I sighed and turned around.

"Whatever, I'm getting this outfit for tonight," I said, closing the curtain behind me. I hit my head against the wall quietly. He had told me he would love me forever and now that I had these... feelings for him, I was beginning to doubt that he had told the truth. He may love me forever as a best friend but now that I wanted more as he had, would his feelings change? Would he move on?

Slowly, I got dressed and decided that I needed to talk to him. I just didn't know when the right time would be. Maybe I could just show him, like he had shown me. I was afraid that he would reject me though and being rejected would be that much harder knowing that I had been rejected by my best friend, my other half. I left the changing room and walked over to the till to pay for my items. I got out my card but I was stopped by a hand. Luke gave the girl behind the counter his card but I stopped her before she could swipe it.

"Are you sure?" I asked, the shoes and the dress together came to over a thousand dollars. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Pretty girls deserve to have things bought for them," he said, winking at me. Inside I was screaming at the flirtatious action but on the outside I remained composed and thanked him. I decided to pay him back for making me nearly jump him in the middle of a store. I stood on tip toes and placed a delicate kiss on the corner of his mouth, my lips grazing his cheek and a small amount of his lips. As I pulled away I heard him take in a deep breath and thank the till girl breathlessly as he took back his card after entering the pin.

He took the bag for me as we left the shop and put it in the back seat of my car, before getting in the passenger seat.

"Romeo?" He asked and I nodded, starting up the engine. As I drove he switched on the radio and we listened to several 'R'n'B' songs that all sounded the same until the disk jockeys swapt over and the next guy put on something a little better.

"You got a great car,

Yeah what's wrong with it today?

I used to have one too,

Maybe I'll come have a look."

The Dandy Warhols 'Bohemiam Like You' was one of my favourite songs and one of Luke's too so we turned the volume right up and sang along together. For the rest of the journey to the hospital all weird feelings and worries were banished and we were just Luke and Emi again. And I liked it, but as soon as I stopped singing and listened to look laughing and singing along absent mindedly, my heart started to ache again and I had to look away from him quickly. It was not just because I was driving. I had felt the tears pricking at my eyes. Since when had our relationship gotten so complicated? Oh wait, since I discovered Luke was in love with me and then consequently realised that I was also in love with him. Yeah, that sounded about right.

"Are you okay, Kiddo?" Luke asked softly and I realised that a tear was rolling down my cheek.

"Fine," I choked out. "Just, you know, worrying about Romeo and Hannah. I wanted to get it out of my system before I saw him." I lied easily but felt terrible for having to lie to my best friend.

"Okay then," he said hesitantly and wiped my tear away with the pad of his thumb. "Just don't cry, please. When you're sad, it makes me more than sad. It hurts," he said, looking me in the eye, oozing honesty. He sounded calm, but his voice wavered as he told me it hurt because more tears had welled up and I nodded. I pulled him into a hug, now feeling thoroughly guilty for lying to him.

When we saw Romeo we had discovered that his mother had cut her trip short and come over from whereever she had been before to take Hannah into her care and to see her son. Apparently she had gone mental when she found out what Romeo's father had done and felt extremely guilty for leaving him with that monster. She may not have known what she was getting Romeo into when she'd placed him and Hannah into Wes' care but in my eyes she should still feel extremely bad for what had happened. She had been married to the man so she must have known what he was like. We had stayed at the hospital until five when we left to go and get ready for the party. When we left we both hugged Romeo goodbye and Luke and Romeo had exchanged a funny little look and murmered something to each other. As we walked out of his room, Romeo had called after Luke.

"Do only what you think feels right. Don't ruin this for yourself now."

I looked at Luke as he gave Romeo the thumbs up and continued to walk with me, smiling to himself. When we got home I jumped in the shower, but didn't wash my already clean hair. I got dressed in my new outfit and applied gold and black shadow to my eyes, along with mascara and eyeliner. I coated my lips with nude lip gloss and then I was ready. I left my room and knocked on Luke's bedroom door.

"Come in," he called and I opened the door, worrying that I was going to experience another scene like last night. However, he was fully dressed and I couldn't work out whether the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach was disappointment or relief. I rolled my eyes at myself and walked in to see him sliding his feet into his well worn flip flops. He was wearing light denim shorts that came to just below his knee and a red Ramones t-shirt. I smiled as he looked up at me. His hair was a mess as usual and his green eyes were sparkling with pre-party excitement. I looked at my attire and then at his. He looked down at himself and then at me.

"I see," he said and pulled his t-shirt off. I stifled a little noise of... well I guess of arrousal and gulped. His body really was beautiful. He then pulled on a green, white and blue lumberjack shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Next he removed his jeans revealing crisp white Calvin Klein's and I adverted my eyes. By the time I looked back he was in normal jeans and was pulling on a pair of grey plimpsoles.

"Better?" He asked and I nodded. He looked gorgeous in whatever we wore, but now I didn't feel so over dressed. I took out my phone and rang Honor to tell her we were coming over to pick her up.


EEEEE, are you excited for the party?

What do you think is going to happen? LET ME KNOW IN A COMMENT, I want to know your guesses :) if you read this vote and comment, it doesn't take long!

So nice LONG comments again please and tell me your guesses!

More coming soon, byeeeee

xoxo LUKE LOVES YOU GUYS (especially you Ashley ;) hahahaha)

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