chronicles of shrek

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megapapi looks into my eyes, he knows that there is so much more left to do. that was only a tease compared to what was about to happen. he ties to the roof of hell with the remains of my intestines. he climbs inside the opening in my stomach and begins pissing inside me. its so warm it but it starts to burn my insides, but i know that i cant back out now. 

he begins working himself up my throat, i can feel it stretching beyond what i thought was possible. he emerges out my throat, i can feel myself choking on his glorious shrektanic body, how did he know suffocation was my number one favourite kink? as his glorious body finally leaves my throat and into my mouth. i can feel my jaw hurting, it hurts to much but i cant scream with his body squirming inside my mouth. all of a sudden i feel a sharp pop. my jaw had dislocated but he was so thoughtful and sellotaped it back together using his own skin. 

i decide to thank him for his generosity. i start cooking up a cement mixture using my hair, blood and rocks to show how much daddy means to me. once the cement is done, i funnel it into papis asshole, watching it harden inside him looks so good, especially when he moans. i must have created more cement than i thought because it starts to pour out every orifice he has. it hardens inside him and he can barely move but i can tell from the tears that he loves it. 

but i can't have any fun with shreksatanic daddy if he cant move anything so i begin eating away at the concrete. the hair in it is so hard to swallow but i have to keep going for him. i climb inside him to carry on eating the concrete. i bite something that isnt stone, its alive. i eat the concrete around him and i cant believe my eyes. 

"no.. o t.... no ..o .t", the being whispers softly. is it really him? it has to be. it's ... pingu. pingu was my favourite show as a child, i cant believe im meeting my childhood hero. but i never expected him to be lodged inside satans throat. i decide to take pingu with me, after all, he might become useful later on. i ask pingu to help me digest this concrete with me. we make it all the way out of satans butthole, im so full but i need more things inside me. 

ultradaddy looks pleased to see pingu again, they were once best friends. they sometimes even used to have cheeky bum sex in homeless shelters, orphanages and children hospitals. watching the people crowd around in amazement got them even more excited. 

pingu looks ready to be apart of the fun. daddy ties pingu to a rope and swings him around, the feeling of his arctic body smashing against mine feels so good i cant even describe it. he then bends me over and shoves pingu inside me, his beak tears me as he goes in but at this point everything feels so good. "noot noot" pingu screams inside me, just hearing his muffled screams gets me so worked up. papi then swings me around with pingu still lodged inside me. the hitler inside him breaks out again, she starts slamming me against the walls of hell, hes so aggressive but i love it when he gets like this. "dies ist für Voodoo, sind Sie willkommen" he screams in the nazi language that he knows i love deeply. i scream for him to swing my worthless body around faster. "was zum Teufel hast du nur verdammt über mich sagen, du kleine Schlampe? du bist verdammt tot, Kindchen" 

pingu begins to go crazy, his noots are louder and faster than ever before. he then slips out of me and i fall to the ground, but daddy catches me with his giant ogre hands. i notice that papi is becoming very tired. being fused for so long must have gotten to him. before i know it they unfuse in front of me. seeing all 3 of my daddys again is so amazing. now that they had unfused, they could get their energy back. now its time to have fun with me daddys separately. im so excited for seeing what all 3 of them have to offer. i have to admit, it cant be any better than pouring concrete inside someone or getting a penguin stuffed inside me.

but im ready to have more fun with them. they all make me feel amazing, inside and out. im even excited to spend time with pingu. i cant contain myself anymore and i begin to piss in excitement, luckily pingu is here to drink it up. i cant wait any longer. i throw myself onto them and get ready for the shrekening.

this is our swamp now.

this is our swamp now

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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