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Dean had booked seth roman izzy and tommy a hotel room for the next 2 days one that also had a gym and restaurant during the night he left the hotel to head home Renee went with him it's 11 am in the afternoon and they haven't heard from Dean since they fell asleep

Renee walked in

Renee where and what have you and Dean been up to

Dean did say he had stuff to sort out but he wasn't just gonna leave he made sure you were fine I'm actually here so you two can hit the gym


Hey kids as she walked in the room as they watched telly
Have you checked out the hotel

"As much as we are aloud too but Renee they have a pool"

"Both a kids and adult one"

Oh really

Yeah but we....

What is it?

"We don't know how to swim they both admit"

"Oh...well we can fix that is I  actually invited the bellas to Vegas asking Dean off course

Seth froze then ran back to Renee
"You did what now"

I invited nicole and brie they have the weekend off so Friday night we are gonna watch tommy and Izzy they are actually on there way now

"What! How far away"

Cool it Seth!

"I need a good workout" and Seth walked out

"Anyway how bout after we've been to the gym me and Seth teach you how to swim"

"But we don't have any swimming costumes"

We will buy you both something after I believe there's shops around here

"Thanks roman"

"No worries"

Renee joined the two on the sofa

What's Dean up to?

Oh he's adding a new wall


"I have no idea either" Renee tells them

With Dean thanks for helping out Brian and so quickly

Hey your my best mate and closest anyway I like the idea...

Cheers! Dean says and grabs 4 bears

"You two can have yours once you put up that wall in the room"

"So do roman and Seth know about this"

"Nope and they don't even know that the home down the road I'm saving for them"

Do you think they will

Yeah I do!


2 hours later

Cheers boys! Brian man I owe ya

Here's something you can do for me my wife is getting bored of being the third wheel bring a friend for dinner with us  Sunday will ya


Haha not after last time

ill find someone see ya then Bro!

Brian and the Three guys leave

Is about to call Renee when she rings him

"Hey was just about to call ya too"

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