(5) Be Serious

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When I walked into work the next day which was thankfully a Friday I felt a huge weight on my chest, Tristan had on a black shirt with a white flannel over it, the sleeves are rolled up to his elbow, paired with dark jeans and yellow vans. His hair is down today and is falling in his face sexily. "So I was thinking that we could move the guest house over to make more room for the pool." He was saying.

I set my bag down and he looked up at me then back down at the floorplan. I looked at Timber and he eyed me nodding his head towards the door before stepping out, I followed him out of the "office" down the hall.

"You really fucked up." He said turning to me. His hair was also out in a curly wave over his shoulders, oh my Jesus.

"What are you talking about?" I sighed.

"After I helped him get his apartment set up, he broke down Bell. He couldn't even get a word out because he was so distraught and lost." He explained and I sighed looking away. I didn't need to hear this, not after beating myself up last night.

"I can't do this, not right now." I breathed. He glared at me.

"Your heartless." He spat before pushing past me and walking back to the room. I sighed and walked back in and siting down on the stool, I grabbed my sketch book and continued my sketches for the living room. I got lost in my own decorating world and didn't notice someone waving a hand in front of my face.

I looked up at Tristan and smiled faintly. "Hey I've been wanting—"

"Save it. I just wanted to know if you had came up with a design for the living room so we know where to put the plugs and patio door." He said and I was taken aback for a moment.

"Oh y-yeah.." I stuttered then composed myself. "Not yet but I will get back to you on that."

He watched me for a while before speaking again. "I feel like a boulder just crushed my heart."

"I'm sorry." I said immediately.

"I need you to be in this deal 100% because if you are just doing this to end up getting a divorce then we might as well go to the lawyers now." He shook his head, then moved his hair back from his face.

"I just think it's a bit of a weird concept. Your asking me to do a lot." I said.

"You shouldn't have cheated on me." He snapped. "Why couldn't you just love me?"

"I needed something more.." I rubbed my face sighing.

"And I couldn't give that to you? I would have given you the world, Arabella. I loved you." He stepped forward trying to catch my gaze but I looked away.

"No—I just.." I couldn't find the words and he scoffed.

"Look at me." He pleaded and I obliged. He stepped next to me and put his hand on my cheek, his eyes darting over my face before settling on my lips. He leaned forward and gently brush his lips against mine before crashing our lips together. He started something that he certainly finished.


I finished buttoning up my red blouse and pushed my hair back away from my face so the loose curls fell over my shoulders instead of my face. I looked at Tristan and he started towards the door to head back to the office, we had ended up in one of the finished rooms evidently.

"Tristan—" I started but he put his hand up opening the door.

"Nothing happened." He dismissed before walking out. I dropped my hand to the aide standing there like an idiot before I walked out and went back to the office, I sat down and sighed going back to sketching. I didn't look at Timber as he walked in and sat down to go over the floorplan once again, apparently it was complicated.

"I'm sorry for earlier." He said still looking at the paper that dominated the table.

"I deserve it." I replied flipping to another page in my sketchbook."I'm a cheating bitch who only has 42 days to fall in love with He  husband again or I lose him forever."

"no one deserves what you guys are going through." He said. I looked at him as a thick lock of hair fell in his face. He shipped it back and sighed. "I was rushing this morning and didn't have time to find my rubber bands."

"Understandable and thanks." I muttered. He nodded and walked out. The rest of the day went just like this, me alone in the office working on my designs and everyone avoiding me like the plague. Everyone who knew, at least.

When I got home Spencer's car was parked in front of my house and he was landing against smoking a cigarette. I walked up to him frowning.

"I thought you quit." I stated. He threw the bud down and stepped on it exhaling the smoke.

"I've been stressed." He said. "But I need a favor."

"What?" I inquired.

"My sister just broke up with her boyfriend and needs some retail therapy as she puts it, but she's a bit of a loner like you so I need you to take her." He explained kicked a rock around with his foot. I raised my eyebrow. "Considering you strung me along for a year and then dropped me like a dirty condom, you owe me this."

"Isn't your sister like pregnant?" I sighed. This was a lot to ask considering, like he said, I was a loner and preferred it that way actually.

"Yeah so what. Just take her because she asked about you." He sighed.

"I guess. I will call her later on." I turned towards the house ready to walk away when he grabbed my hand.

"What happened to your wrists?" He asked and I noticed the slight discoloring, probably from being pinned down with Tristan.

"Work."I said snatching my arm out of his grip and walking inside.

I turned around to find Tristan staring back at me. He glanced out the window by the door then back at me.

"You fucking whore."


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