Chapter 9: "Ask me Out"

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Your POV

Zane had bought me an ice cream after we exited the horror house of death and destruction that I no longer wanted to even be on the same island with.

We were walking slowly to my house. It was still hot as all hell out and Zane was sweating buckets.

"It's air conditioned, I said. It would be fine, I said."

He complained before finally removing his sweatshirt and tying it around his waist. I blushed a bit when I realized he was completely shirtless for the first time in ages.

He didn't even have his mask on.

This was a whole new playing field for me.

"What are you staring at?"

He asked, eyeing my expression with concern. I continued to eat my ice cream, unaware that it was melting in my hand.

"It's not going to last long if you eat slowly."

Zane said, bending down and licking a bit of the ice cream.

Why did it have to be vanilla?!

Other than my mind playing the trump card, we made it to my house in one piece.

Lucky for me, the ice cream was gone so I could flip on the couch, curl up in a blanket and scream as loud as anyone could.

My throat hurt so bad.

Zane sat next to me, patting my head and sighing defiantly. He pulled on a shirt and fluffed his scarf so it covered his mouth and chin.

"You okay Y/n?"

He asked, his words softened as he continued to comfort me.

"No. That place was a nightmare."

I muffled my words in my favorite pillow I brought along, crying into it. Zane tugged my arm slightly, pulling me into his lap. I, being absolutely done, just lied there for a bit.

"I'm here for you."

He said, running his fingers through my hair. I smiled to myself, quietly drifting off to sleep.



The next day had rolled around. I found myself asleep on the couch by myself. I looked at the clock, it read around 5 am.

I slept for 10 hours?!

Then again I always sleep that long.

Zane was asleep too, but on another couch. He had a blanket strewn over his body, a movie playing in the background, his favorite one.

I grinned softly at the scene, his hair covering both his eyes. The scarf he usually wears bent down a bit, revealing a half open and snoring mouth. He was peaceful, so I left him there.

I got myself a (coffee/tea), opening my laptop and going to social media before stopping his movie and quietly taking out the disk.

Crossing my legs over the couch, I played a couple songs for a few hours until Zane woke up.

As if by an alarm clock, he opened his eyes to the sound of me switching channels on the tv.

"Shhhh go back to sleep."
"What? It's 5 am. You go to sleep."

I stood up and pushed his face lightly, covering him with the blanket.

"Sleep my muffin."

Vacation days- A Love Love Paradise Zane X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now