Hogwarts (AU)

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(Just so you know this chapter is super platonic and more just a friendship then anything else. Also this is my first time writing in 3rd person so it might be a little iffy. )

"Uh, hello?" A small, squeaky voice chirps from behind Nico's shoulder. Nico turns his head to see where the voice came from, knowing it wasn't one of his friends. "Do you know where first years are supposed to go?"

Their eyes meeting, the boys wide blue eyes meeting the others dark brown ones. "We go that way," Nico says, gesturing towards lake in front of the school. "By the way, I'm a first year as well." 

At this point their conversation had caught the attention of some of his friends. A girl with curly blonde glances his way, her cunning grey eyes catch on Will's own. She looks him up and down and then turns her head back towards the black and blonde haired boys, Will catching a glimpse of a blue and gold tie around her neck.

"Oh," The boy says, a look of golden hair falling over his eyes. 

"Anyway," Nico continues. "I'm Nico di Angelo. And you're?"

"Uh," Will chokes, obviously nervous. He shifts his shoulders, his obviously a little large robes slipping of his left shoulder. "I'm Will Solace."

"And you're a muggle-born, I presume?" Nico says, not missing a beat. 

"Er-yeah? Neither of my parents are wizards of that's what you mean," Will says, one of the students owls screech, causing the white cat in Nico arms to perk up. He had seen the cat in Nico's arm in the chaos of the platform, it's yellow eyes still just as piercing.

"You know of the houses, right?" Nico questions, raising a eyebrow at the slightly taller boy. 

"Yeah, kinda," Will says, almost tripping over the toe of his shoes. Three of his other friends moving with the pack first years glance his way. "I honestly don't know what house I'll be in. But I think I might want to be in Hufflepuff, though."

"No you don't," Nico says quickly, meeting the other boys bright blue eyes.

"Why? Is there something wrong with that house?" Will questions, Nico wincing at his cluelessness.

"Well there's nothing wrong with the house, it's just not the best in my opinion. I want to be in Slytherin, both my parents were in it."

"Nico, join our boat," One of his friends says to him, grabbing his elbow. Will looks over the girl, her eyes like melted galleons, which Will had only just learned of weeks ago. Her skin was chocolate brown, like warm cocoa. Her face was surrounded by coils of golden brown hair, her eyes focus on Nico.

"I've got to go," Nico says, starting to turn towards his sister and other friends. "See you at the sorting hat ceremony."

"Er-yeah," Will says. Nico gives a Will a small wave and slips over to his group of friends, a faint smile at the edges of Nico's lips.

Will sat next to Nico in the great hall, his three other friends next to them. The sorting hat did its song, which was strange, but had sent a chorus of snickers through the older students. The hat ragged, generally something Will didn't want on his head. Especially after his schools experience with lice in the third grade.

"It's not as scary as it looks," Nico whispers as a kid walks to the sorting hat, face as pale as porcelain. "Or at least compared to what Jackson told me," He adds with a laugh.

"Who?" Will questions, cocking his head to the side.

"Him," He says, pointing a finger towards the Gryffindor table. A kid with messy jet black was obviously joking with some of the others around him, his green eyes glittering in the candle light. "That's Percy Jackson, he's a third year. Honestly the most annoying person I know, but we're friends."

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