Something as Simple as This

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We move down the road, bits of gravel hitting the blue paint of our Jeep Wrangle. Will cast a loving look at me, me giving him one back. I look away from him, glancing down at my hands. On my right hand was the silver skull ring from my father, my left still bare.

The song changes, us getting close to the trail head. Will casts me a look, raising his eyebrows at me. I recognized the song right away, I had grow used to Will's music choice over powering mine, his line for this summer was that if we spend a summer camping in Rocky Mountain National Park, indie music is the only suitable choice. And honestly, none of the songs were bad.

I look over to him, him dramatically mouthing to George Ezra. "You're a dork," I say to him, a laugh on the edge of my voice. 

He grins back at me, wrinkles forming at the corners of round eyes. "But you still love me though," He laughs, running his fingers through his wavy hair. 

"I wouldn't be so sure of yourself," I teases back to him. He casts me a loving look, one lopsided sided smile across his face. 

I sit up, pecking Will on the cheek. He doesn't pull his eyes of the road, but he smiles sheepishly, a little blush crossing his cheeks.

We pull in the parking lot, it empty except for two cars. Will looked happy about that--he had wanted the trails for our last few days to be pretty empty. We both climb out of the car, grabbing our hiking packs. 

We head out onto the trail head, Will drapes his tan arm over my shoulder. "Have I ever told how much I like hiking because it's the only time you ever wear shorts?"

I roll my eyes at him, "Only every day of July," I laugh to him, pulling out from under his arm. "I like hiking today because you're not wearing that terrible green bandana."

He laughs, running his fingers through his loose hair. "It's in my pack, I can put it on it you want." he gestures to his pack, me rolling my eyes again.

"You're not Harry Styles circa 2014, you know." He laughs, me giving him a sly smile.

He elbows me in the side, his eyes full of love. "I love you a lot, Nico," Will says to me.

"I love you too," I say back.

A few hours we later we reach the end of the trail. The Sky Pond, elevation 10,900. I sit on the edge of rock, Will down farther, doing gods knows what. I look up at the blue sky above me, a few white clouds drifting lazily across the sky.

We had only seen two other groups coming down from the basin, so were both alone up here. I look around, taking in the beauty of the cliffs around us. Small bits a green dotted the grey rocks, but their was no trees around--since we were above the tree line.

I slip down towards Will from the rock I was sitting. I walk over to him and wrap my arm around his waist, looking out over the blue lake. Will doesn't say anything, being weirdly silent since we got to the end of the trail.

He looks vaguely out over the lake, letting out a sigh. "These's past seven years have been some of the best years of my life, this past month especially this path month." 

I pull my arm away from his waist, us both turning towards each other. I look at him, seeing nervousness on his face, which I didn't get.

"Yeah," I nod to him, casting my gaze back towards the lake.

"Ah, whatever. You don't need all of this sappy stuff." I look back towards him, a little shocked. He drops to one knee in front of me, his blue eyes gleaming. "Nico di Angelo, will you marry me? Simple as that."

I look down at him, a smile across my face. He pull out the box, opening it show the gunmetal ring gleaming in the center. "Of course I'll marry Will Solace, simple as that." I say back to him.

He slips the ring onto my left ring finger, a smile across his face. He stands up, pulling me towards him in a gentle kiss. He pulls away, his deep blue eyes locked on my own. "I love you, Nico."

"I love you too, Will."

(Well I'm sorry I'm such a cheesy person but you know sometimes I need to chill and write super cliche things. Also, I've already wrote half of the next chapter, and prepare yourself. It's not like this at all)

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