Wind.. -oneshot- (Kathniel)

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      There was a girl named Kath. Cute, simple , and a happy-go-luck type of girl. She loves to eat and play in dark places just like where her tree house was placed. She's always there, it's her home since the day her parents abandoned her.

     One day she came home from a cool and a very relaxing garden near her tree house. When she came home she saw a boy. It really looks like her. A carbon copy of her the only difference was it was a boy version. Due to curiosity Kath walk towards him and ask.

     "Excuse me, Who are you?" Kath said. The boy just gave her a happy but full of longing look. Kath walks in from of him and ask the same question once again.

      "Excusme, But who are you?" The boy ignored her instead he walk straight up to the tree house. Kath followed him and she saw him lying in her soft and comfy bed while breathing heavily. Kath felt weird but she didn't give any necessary reactions. She walk toward the bed and sit beside the boy. The moment she sat, she felt this cold feeling but just like what she did, she ignored it.

      "You really don't know me?" the boy asked which sent a sudden chil to Kath.

      "S-s-sorry but w-who are y-you?" Kath tried her best not to stammer but she can't help it.

     The boy walked out frustrated and lonely. Because of Kath's curiosity instincts she followed him. Kath didn't notice while she was following him they are already walking in a path where pictures of memories are everywhere. They seems to look like happy , complete , and free.

     "Who are t---" Kath was about to ask the boy when she turn around to him and she saw no one. The path way was clear no other people just her and the photos that was placed around her.

     The ambiance of being alone scares her. She continued walking and when she reach the edge of the pathway she once again saw the boy looking up on a big picture frame where in a Family Picture was placed. From all the photos the she saw this picture is really different. It looks new but the people in it looks serious and their eyes really look sad. After a while the tone of the photo fades out and slowly turned into Black & White.

    "What happened?! What are these?! who are them?!" Kath asked the boy with her voice full of shockness and confusment, The boy didn't bother to look but he answered.

      "These photos are photos of my family.." he smiled weakly and continue "They are one of the best thing for me but now they're all gone.. gone.. gone forever.." The boy stopped and lock his eyes on the picture frame

      "What happened?" Kath said. She wants to know more. Curiosty is killing her.

      With all his might he answered kath calmly. "You're parents killed them.. they killed me."

      Kath started to fear " Y-y-you're d-dead?" after she said that, the boy turned around and faced her. "Remember this?" the boy said pointing to his tatoo in his cape.The same tatoo Kath was hiding since she was a kid. "K-kent?" tears started to fall same as fear started to fade. She run to hug Kent but that moment kent time was already done. Kent is gone for real. Kath felt a cold wind. A wind the cause a letter to flew and fall infront of her. Kath reached the floor , get the letter an started to open and read what it says.

Dear Kath,

     I know you're wondering who really am I even if you know me since we we're kid. We really look like each other. We are a carbon copy of each other. You can't remember me because it was a long time since we saw each other. Me and my Family went back to states because we thought when we leave everything will be better. But we we're wrong. Your parents killed my family. Your parents killed me. It breaks my heart because i didn't get the chance to say how much i love you.. I ask God to give me an hour. an hour to be back and be with you for the last time.. I wanted your parents to pay. for all the things they've caused me. But i didn;t they were still your parents.. It breaks me that they abandoned you.. the Girl i treasure the most.. the girl i love the most. Even if your parents killed me and my family. I will always love you.. 

     After you read this you will wake up in a place.. a place where you can celebrate with me.. A celebration for ..  I promised you. We will see each other again .. 

                                                                                                                              Love Kent,

        Everything went black and kath started to fall a sleep. Just like the letter said , Kath woke up in a place where she never even once thought she'll woke up. She sat and looked to her left side. She started to burst out in tears on what she saw.

In Memory of Kent Valdez
         Rest In Peace
Born on: July 3, 2016
Died on: September 22, 2031

   "H-he's gone. He died on my birthday.. I love you too k-kent" last words Ken heard and satisfies his 40th day, His last day on earth. Last words coming from the girl she loves. Kent smiled for what she said. For the last seconds he heard her saying I LOVE YOU for the last time. Slowly Kent's soul slowly flown up to heaven and left the world forever.

    Kath felt that cold wind again. She knew that wind was saying something...

    "Goodbye Kent. I love you..." Kath whispered


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