The Story Starts (1)

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Dear Diary,

It's been about 6 months since Ward and Kara came back to SHIELD. I found out that Kara was a very civilized person and nice. I would never expect someone like her to be with someone like Grant Ward. He always had a cold side and not really a romantic side but with her, he was a whole new person. It was a bit strange to see my former SO like that but I had to get used to it.

The first months I felt pure hatred and anger towards Ward. I didn't realize that hate was really me not wanting to believe I was still in love with him. It's not like I could walk over to him and say 'hey I'm in love with you.' He was with Kara now and that totally sucked for me but at least he was happy. I guess this was karma for how he felt when I was with Miles.

After awhile I tried starting something with Lincoln. We made out a few times and had sex. It was just sex. No making love which really blew over for me. I really can't take it here much longer. If I see Ward and Kara together one more time, I think I may loose it. Wish me the best of luck.


Skye closed her diary and put it on her dresser. She sighed a bit and looked over at the door. She heard Coulson's voice on the PA and there was something about a mission.

In a few minutes, everyone was in Coulson's office. Skye wasn't really listening because she was too busy staring at Ward. After debriefing she just talked to Bobbi who explained that she was going on a mission with Kara and Ward.

"That's gonna suck. I'm gonna be stuck in between two love birds. That's gonna be so gross..." Skye said looking at Bobbi.

"Well I mean you put up with Hunter and I and were as bad as they get..." Bobbi said looking at Skye.

"But I never had feelings for Hunter. It's just kinda gross seeing Ward like this. I mean what happened to the hard ass that made me get all tingly inside..." Skye said as Bobbi raised an eyebrow.

"Is that just a nice way of saying that he makes you horny..." Bobbi said to her.

"Pretty much..." Skye said with a small laugh. "Well I'm gonna go get ready. I'll see you after the mission..." Skye said and went back to her room.

The mission turned out to the a total horror show. HYDRA showed up and ended up causing chaos. Skye and Ward had a few injuries but Kara ended up getting shot in lower abdomen. They rushed her back to the base and they did surgery on her.

Skye was sitting with Ward just as some support. About an hour or two later Ward just turned to her.

"You know you don't have to stay here. I'm going to be fine Skye don't worry about me..." Ward said in that voice. The voice he used when he started to train her.

"Well I don't think you should be alone right now. I know how you were when I got shot and I don't want you going anything stupid which you'll probably do anyways..." Skye said in an annoyed voice.

"Why are you so mean to me. I mean I tried to be nice to you and make amends with you but you decide to me totally bitchy and rude to me..." Ward said looking at her with a look of disappointment.

"You betrayed all of us, tried to kill fitzsimmons, and you locked me up like Fiona from Shrek!" Skye yelled looking at him.

"Maybe you could have used some time being locked away and it would have made you a nicer person!" Ward yelled then sighed and started working on cooling off. "Just go away Skye  I don't want you here..." He said in a flat voice.

Skye sighed and went to reach for one of his hands but he pulled it back. "Grant..." Skye said using his first name.

"Skye..." Grant said in a quiet voice. They locked eyes for a moment and only a moment but that's when Jemma walked out.

"Kara's out of surgery and she's stable. You should get some sleep you can really use it.." Jemma said to Ward and gently out a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Jemma..." He said and got up before walking off. Jemma looked over at Skye.

"That bad?" Jemma asked as Skye sighed then nodded.

"It's that bad. I mean I really should've confused my feelings to him before he got a girlfriend and got over me. I don't know why but it hurts..." Skye said sadly.

"It's love, of course it's going to hurt Skye.." Jemma said pulling her best friend into a close hug.

"It just hurts so bad..." Skye said tearing up and burying her face in Jemma's shoulder gently.

"It's okay it's okay just let it out..." Jemma said and held Skye close who ended up breaking down.

Later that night, Skye was sitting alone in her room. She got up and started packing her things into a duffle bag. If Ward could move on that easy, than she could also. She threw everything into a duffle bag and left a good bye note on her bed.

She walked out of the base for the last time and started waking. She knew it was her time to start over.

The next morning May went to Skye's room to get her for training but found a note instead.

To whomever this may concern,

I've decided I can't stay at the base much longer and I need to move on into the next phase of my life. I know this may be a shock but SHIELD is just a job, it's not my whole life. That's why why I decided to leave shield and go out on my own.

I'm sorry but I can't take not being free and not having a life anymore. I'm gonna miss you guys and I will never forget you all.


PS: Don't come looking for me if you don't want to end up dead.

May looked at the letter before running to Coulson's office to tell. Soon, it spread through the whole base and only Ward could sit back in his bed and think about her.

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