*2 weeks later*

*Simons POV* 

Vik and Nicole are doing fine with their twins, having Lyssa around helped a lot also. She knew how to handle babies, and Vik's babies were very happy babies. Today was our baby shower. Lyssa found out the sex but she wouldn't let me know. She showed me photos of the sonograms but I didn't know if it was a boy or girl. 

Lyssa is like a mega mom. She takes care of Lexi, helps with the twins, set up this whole crazy big party, and take care of everyone in the house.

*Lyssa's POV*

A hour later, Lewis arrived with his wife. I haven't seen him in a while, so when I did. I jumped in his arms. I honestly didn't think he got my invite to the baby shower. 

"We got you a gift." His wife smiled and showed a few big gifts,"Those are for Vik. We heard he had a kid!" 

"Yeah I'll go get him. Come in get comfy your the first." I smiled and touched my belly. 

"Vik, Lewis and his wife are here." His head shot up.

"Who is Lewis?" Nicole whispered because the babies were sleeping. 

"Older brother." I mumbled, and Vik ran down stairs. 

"Hey!" He yelled happily and hugged him. 

"Hey brother! Where the little one?" Lew smiled releasing him.

"Sleeping. There's two, Mia and Max. Plus Lexi which is Lyssa's" just as he mentioned Lexi she waddled in. 

"Momma what time is it?" She rubbed her eyes. 

"Almost 2 in the afternoon. You need to stop staying awake with daddy." I giggled and picked her up.

"But daddy is teaching me to play games. We did a video last night. It was so silly mommy. You need to see it!" She laughed,"Whose dat?" She pointed at Lewis.

"That's my and uncle Vik's older brother. That's Uncle Lewis." I smiled, and he poked her face. 

"You had a kid with Simon already? I thought this was your first?" Lewis mumbled. 

"Hey Lexi, go wake daddy up and tell him get his butt down here." She nodded and put on a serious face and stomped off. 

"I was engaged to another guy. I had a kid to a guy that looked like Simon. He is in jail right now I think. Scarlet staged a lot of this. She calls Simon daddy, and I'd like to keep it that way." I twisted my ring.

"Your married?!" Lew yelled, and Vik covered his mouth and shushed him. 

"I sent you a invite." I mumbled and walked away. 

I set up the soccer ball in the back yard and set the cake up. I also made cupcakes. I was having a lot of people come. 

"Hey I know you don't know me all that well, but we're family. Do you need help?" Lewis' wife smiled. I kinda didn't like her from the way she acted. 

"No I'm good. Thanks-"

"Listen here, if you don't start including Lewis in on your life I'll beat the shit outta you." I raised my eye brows and laughed.

"Wish you would. Fighting could hurt the baby but I'd fuck you up. Try me. Lewis is his own person and can come whenever he wants to. As of right now your not welcome here." I snapped.  

"You can't kick me out!" She yelled and caught Simon, Vik and Lewis' attention. 

"I can if your threatening me. Get the hell out!" I screamed at her. 

She stormed out and left the front door open as all the boys and their girlfriends arrived, along with the Calums and Scarlet. 

"Why did you throw her out?" Lewis' face turned red. 

"She threatened me." I gritted though my teeth. 

"Lewis!" Everyone yelled and ran over to him. He began to calm down. 

"Let's see the gender!" Kay yelled. 

We all went to the yard to hang out when all these YouTube's came in. Once all of my friends were here, I told Simon to kick the soccer ball as hard as he could. 

He lined it up and then went running, once he made contact the blue dust came out.

He ran at me and hugged me,"A boy! A boy!" He sounded like a child but it made me happy

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He ran at me and hugged me,"A boy! A boy!" He sounded like a child but it made me happy. 

"Yeah a boy." I giggled. Everyone was talking about names and then Josh spoke up. 

"You gunna let Vik teach him how to play sports?" Everyone laughed, and then Nicole and the twins came down. Lewis ran over and pushed everyone out of the way. 

"Aweeee!" Lewis screeched. 

The party went on, and some people began eating the cake after Ethan started a riot of eating the cake. Lexi found a liking for Dan Howell and Phil lester because she was with them the whole time. It was so cute the way they talked and questioned her. She looked so sassy with them. 

"I'm DA queen!" Lexi bobbed her head at Dan and I walked over. 

"No I DA queen. Queen Dan." When I heard Dan snap his fingers I nearly pissed myself from laughing. 

"No I'm DA queen!" The argued back and forth.

Once the time hit about 11 at night everyone began to leave and make their way home. In all I got a lot of new baby stuff. I began to clean up the wrapping paper and bring everything inside. Simon and Vik helped me while Nicole took the little ones upstairs. 

"Thanks." I hugged Vik and kissed Simon. 

"A boy huh?" Vik smiled and got close to my belly,"Hey little dude, I'm uncle Vik!"

"Yeah and I'm uncle Lewis." A voice yelled as the door opened, it was Lewis. 

"Why are you here?!" Vik yelled in surprise. 

"Can I crash here? She's throwing a fit and won't let me in." He sighed. 

"Of course, you can use JJ's room. " Simon smiled and grabbed my hand leading me upstairs. 

Once we got to our room, I opened YouTube and watched Si and Lexi's video. She looked so happy. 

"I'll make sure our boy is happy also." Si wrapped his arm around me and we fell asleep.

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