The End of Summer

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Katelyn, Blue, Thornes, Bee, and Sprinkz were all in the living room. Quietly sitting on the couch watching and anime called "Lucky Star". It was the tenth episode. They tend to catch up to the series.

They started watching since this morning, none have gotten up to eat breakfast yet. Nor have change out of their Pj's. Sprinkz and Thorn were sitting on the double couch, Bee and Katelyn were laying on opisite sides of the long couch, and Blue was sitting on the floor infront of Katelyn.

The 5 of them watch the anime in peace fore several minutes. Until a suddenly someone broke the door.

"Our Door!" The girls said.

It was Aaron that have broken the door down, behind him were Jack, Kevin, and Sly.

"You better be paying for a new door Aaron" Katelyn said angryly.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. But guess what!"

"What" Blue said.

"Since summer is ending we got Disney Passes to all of the parks!" Jack said exicted.

All of the girls where in shock.

"The thing is... We need to start getting ready" Kevin said.

"Why?" Bee said.

"Because our plane leave in 3-4 hours" Sly said.

"3-4 hours!?" Sprinkz said.

Thorn was already out of the couch running to her room to pack. Soon the rest of the girls did the same.

"Well, that got them to pack quicker" Jack said.

"Yeah, we all know how slow girl pack things." Kevin said.

"Should we tell them soon that our flight to orlando leaves in actaully in 6 hours." Sly said.

"Nah, they'll figure it out... Eventually." Aaron said.

The boys were already pack, already knowing that they were going.

And hour past and all the girls things have been pack in seperate cars.

"Alright so Sly, Kevin, and I will drive with Sprinkz and Thornes in the van" Aaron said.

"And Katelyn, Bee, and Blue and I will ride in the other car." Jack said.

"Sounds like a plan" Bee said.

They went into their cars and drove to the airport.

Meanwhile with Aaron, Kevin, Sly, Thornes, and Sprinkz.

It was quiet in the van. No one spoke for about a couple of minutes until Sprinkz spoke.

"Can you turn on the radio, the silence is killing me" she said.

Kevin was driving and Aaron was sitting in the passenger seat. Aaron turn on the radio and instantly the song was "Stiches" by shawn Mendes. Thorn and Sprinkz imeaditly started singing along with it, until Aaron switch the song to one that he and the guys like.

"Hey! We were listening to that!" Thornes said.

"Change it back now!" Sprinkz said.

"How about no" Aaron said.

Sprinkz got up and turn the song back to Shawn. And Aaron kept switching it back to the one he like. It went on like this with the two of them fighting over the radio. Until Kevin snap.

"Ok that enough!" Kevin turn off the radio.

"Sprinkz sit back down! And Aaron, shut the fuck up!"

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