Chapter 1: home again

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Okay guys this is my first story on wattpad so don't judge me. I would really appreiciate it if you help me through this I am actually really nervous about this. So don't be mean and help me out plz, 

Cya Daire is out 


Chapter one: home again 

Daire's POV 

I arrived at my new house. I haven't been in Livinstone for a long time. I left here when I was twelve. I am the daughter of the Alpha of the White Moon Pack and his real mate(I have a sister too). When my parents were younger they got together. They were mates but my father already had a mate. A little while later my mum had Faith, she survived two years of pain but after she had me she couldn't take the pain anymore. The pain of knowing your mate is with someone else. My father never rejected my mum so she could feel everything. Shortly after I was born my mum died. I was shipped across the world to live with my father. He was cruel, he locked me up in a cage, beat me up, not give me enough to eat. But grandma Eve one of the elders( she's not actually my grandma I just call her that) helped me and Faith escape with her husband Mark.

Just remembering my past makes me so angry. So I decided that I will not think about my past. I have my own small pack now that I live with. Pride, Colton, Chase, Daniel, Faith my not evil sister, Matthew my older step brother and Victoria. Matthew and Victoria are mates. Faith and Daniel are mates. Pride and Colton. Chase and I haven't found our mates yet. Faith is one of my sisters same dad and same mother. Yes my dad is a man whore now he is married to my step sisters mum. Matthew is mine and Faith's step brother. I know it's all very confusing. Pride is my best friend. She ran away from her pack because she wanted to meet her mate but as the Alpha's little sister she must be protected at all times so she ran. Faith and Matthew ran away from our dad with me.

We stopped in California for a little while. Thats where we found Pride. She wanted to travel the world and meet her mate. She is a royal Alpha, she is really strong. We got her to come with us. Her brother the Alpha of her pack wasn't very happy. After a little while we turned up in Los Angelos. We found Colton Pride's mate. It took alot of convincing to get him to come with us.He had alot of responsibility i mean he was a alpha. He still is but he is in my pack now so i have command over him. After we got Colton to come with us we went to Paris. It wasn't my choice Pride wanted to go there. Guess what we were out sight seeing and we got hungry so we went into a cafe. it wasa nice cafe when we entered i saw a guy working the counter and a guy sweeping. Faith's eyes were only on the guy sweeping. I grabbed Faith's arm and we walked to the counter. the guy working the counter was Chase and the guy sweeping was Daniel. Chase looked up at us and froze because we were rogues. He took our orders just as Daniel walked up to us. Daniel said he would come with us because of Faith and Chase wanted a adventure. In the middle of no where we found Victoria. She's a fairy and fairies don't like cities and stuff so they stay in the middle of nowhere. Fairies know all about werewolves and mates so she knew straight away that Matt was her mate. She came with us, we travelled a bit more. All tht travelling in six years.

Every one else has already put their luggage inside. I haven't yet i let out a small and quiet sigh. i grab my bags and head inside. I get inside and I don't see anyone. Their probably in their rooms.  

"Daire Daniel and I are having the biggest room" Faith shouted to me. 

"No Victoria and I are having the biggest room because we are older" Matthew shouted to us.  

"Actually whoever is in the room down the hall from mine has the biggest room" I told them. 

"Hah I have the biggest room" Chase randomly yelled. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Pride and Colton haven't complained yet they must be happy where they are.  

"Pride Colton" I yelled.  

"We have the basement for our room" Colton yelled. I laughed shaking my head.  

"Of course you do" I said I knew they could hear me. We are werewolves. I jumped on my bed and took out my laptop. Suddenly Pride is in front of me.  

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Se asked knowing my story. I smiled and nodded. We were finishing high school here. Colton, Pride and Chase are 18, I'm 17 turning 18. Faith, Matthew and Daniel are 20 and Victoria is 19. I'm the youngest and guess what I'm the Alpha. Pride is the Beta and Faith is the third command. I have a small pack. 

"Pride I'm fine and your only asking me so you don't have to go to school" I told her. She laughed and nodded. I knew it she just didn't want to go to school. I look on Facebook to see what's going on now. Trisha has found her mate and his name is Damien. I look down at my clock it's only 6:30 god. I head out of my room, down the hallway and down the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen where my pack was.

"I can't wait to find my mate" Chase told us as I sat down. Faith was cooking seeing that she is the best.

"You could meet her tomorrow at school" Victoria told him.

"God damn it that's right we have school" Colton cussed. Faith laughed at him.

"And Victoria, Matthew, Daniel and I don't" she said poking her tongue out at us. I rolled my eyes.

"How long until dinners ready?" I asked her.

"It's ready now" she said as she placed a plate of noodle omelette in front of me. I grinned at her, this is one of my favourite foods.

"Thank you" we all thanked her at the same time. After dinner everyone went to the lounge room to watch x-factor while I went upstairs. I walked into my room and jumped into bed tomorrow is going to be a long day.

I opened my tired eyes to the sound of my alarm clock screeching. Ugh why did I buy one of these annoying things. I climbed out of bed and went to my cupboard. I went  through it and got a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue shirt with the word YOLO on it and a black leather Matthew got me for my birthday. I slipped on my clothes, brushed my hair and went down stairs. I walked into the kitchen. Pride, Colton and Chase were already sitting at the table. Pride was wearing black skinny jeans, a red shirt and a black leather jacket like mine. Chase was wearing jeans and a black shirt same with Colton. I walked to the cupboard and grabbed the coco pops then I walked to the fridge and grabbed the milk. I poured myself a bowl and started eating. Once I finished eating I ran upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed socks out of my draw. I slipped on the socks and put on my black converses. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag went downstairs to the others and went to school. I rode my motorbike and the others went in Pride's black Ford Mustang.

"Okay so we get our schedules and go to class" Pride says once they reach me. I hopped off my motorbike and slipped the keys into my pocket. We started walking towards the school. This is going to be interesting.


hey guys how was is really hard writing a story so don't pressure me and please do not judge me leave comments and tell me if you like it or not and how good it is



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