Chapter 2: class time

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Chapter 2: class time

I walk into the maths room. I had just split up with my gang besides Chase he is with me.

"You guys must be the new students" the teacher stated. I nodded my head.

"I'm Mr Kendrick why don't you tell us a bit about yourselves".

"No" I said simply. I looked over to Chase he wasn't even paying attention he was staring at......a girl. I grab Chase's arm and start dragging him to the back of the classroom where the girl is. I sat down next to her and Chase sat beside me.

"Hi I'm Daire and this is my friend Chase" I say holding out my hand. She looks at me. She starts writing something. 'Hi Daire I'm Lauren'.

"Nice to meet you Lauren" I say. I turn to Chase and gesture for him to talk to her.

"Hi Lauren as Daire said I'm Chase" he said staring into her brown eyes.

"Hi Chase" she manages to stutter out. She talks yay.

"So are you in a pack?" I randomly ask her I already know she is a werewolf I can sense it. 

"I was but I got kicked out because Trisha didn't want me there" she answered me.

"Why don't you join us?" I ask her. she looks at me wide eyes.

"You would let me join your pack?" she asked me in disbelief.

"Yeah you seem cool and I'm pretty sure Chase would want you there, you are mates after all and don't ask me how I know I can read Chase's mind and right now all he is thinking about is you and that he is going to kill me" I told her honestly.

"He's not going to kill you right?" she asked me worriedly. I shook my head.

"No I would never kill me Alpha slash best friend" Chase tells her. "Lauren can you pretty please join our pack?".

"I would love to" she said as the bell rang for us to go to our next class.

Classes flew by next thing I knew it was lunch. I was making my way to the cafeteria and I heard people talking.

"You are the ugliest person I have ever seen" I heard a terrible voice say. Then I heard the sound of someone getting punched. I heard sobs obviously from the person who got punched. I walk around the corner to see Lauren surrounded by Trisha and her slurry friends. Anger boiled up in me because they were hurting a member of my pack and she didn't do anything to them. I stormed down the hallway grabbing Trisha by the hair and throwing her into the lockers across the hallway. Lots of people came out to the Hallways.

"Go on touch Lauren again and it  won't be pretty" I snarled at Trisha. I turned around to see if Lauren was alright then I feel weight on my back. I grabbed whoever it was and threw them across the room it was Trisha. I started walking to her but someone literally lifted me off th ground. I turned my head and saw Chase.

"Chase put me down I want to finish her" I yelled at him.

"No Daire you need to calm down" he told me sternly.

"No I will not calm down she hurt Lauren now let me go" I told him. He let me go. I noticed that Colton had a grip on him and some other guy was holding on to me.

"Let me go" I said.

"Daire calm down it's one of my friends his name is Damien" Colton told me trying to make me feel better.

"Oh hell no I don't want to be held by Trisha's mate" I told Colton. Damien let go of me. I looked up at him I saw hurt flash through his eyes. He was my mate.

"Shit" we both whisper at the same time. Fuck no he is Trisha's mate not mine I thought. I was basically having a staring contest with him. Suddenly fingers clicked in front of my face.

"Daire we are leaving before you kill someone" Chase whispered to me. He clearly got his anger cleared up. But I didn't really care if we were leaving or not. I have a mate who already has a mate. A ping of sadness stabs inside me inside my chest. I walk down the hallway with Colton, Chase and Lauren. Pride was standing out in the hallway looking at me angrily. I guess it was because I had a fight on the first day of school. She raises her eyebrows at me but I just walk straight past her to the work out room.

I walk into the work out room. I heard footsteps in the hallway.

"What's up your ass?" Pride asked leaning against the wall as I put on boxing gloves. I rolled my eyes.

"Whore bashing Chase's mate" I answer simply. She nods her head before leaving the room. I turned to the boxing and started punching it picturing Trisha's head instead of a boxing bag. 

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