2. Word Vomits

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A/N: This chapter has some dark, sexy, Harry in it;)

I groaned, my eyes blinking open upon the harsh rays of sun leaking through the window, the bright light promptly bringing tears to my burning eyes as I blinked them back.

As my eyes adjusted I realised I was in an unfamiliar room, and I attempted to sit up, only to realise my hands were tied with scarves to the headboard in the most uncomfortable fashion. Only then did all the events of the previous night come flooding back to me.

I had been kidnapped.

My eyes widened in a mix of fear and anger, and I writhed in a desperate attempt to loosen the knots that were keeping my wrists bound behind me, hissing in pain as the fabric rubbed against my skin harshly, creating friction burns no doubt.

"Fuck!" I cursed, slumping back against the headboard in defeat.

I glanced up again as my captor walked in, my eyes immediately narrowing. He was wearing a white tank top with a blue plaid button up shirt, and dark skinny jeans. His hair was pushed back from his head in a quiff like fashion, and his eyes studied me, the way I had just been studying him.

"So I see you've woken up."

His voice was low and smooth as he spoke, his eyes trained on me as he padded closer to the bed.

"Untie me and let me go, you dickhead." I seethed, glaring at him.

"I'd rather you call me Harry." he chuckled, the end of the bed dipping slightly as he sat down next to me.

"I think dickhead suits you much better." I snapped, the bed jolting as I try and shift as far away from him as possible without falling off the bed.

"What would you like to eat?" he inquired, ignoring my comment and leaning over to me to presumably untie the knots that held my wrists together.

I quivered with anger at his casualty, acting as if just kidnapping someone from the street and tying them up in his home was an everyday thing.

"How can you just act like this is normal?! Y-you fucking kidnapped me! You're fucking sick! You need to go see a doctor or something because you can't just take people off the streets like that!" I was standing against the wall opposite to the door now, my chest rising and falling slightly from my small word-vomit.

Harry's eyes seemed to harden, anger flickering in them as he abruptly stood up from the bed. I cowered back as he shot towards me in the blink of an eye, pinning me back against the wall in a vice-like grip.

"Listen little lady, I can do whatever the fuck I want, and I'm not letting you go, so you're going to have to learn to deal with it. Understand?" He snarled, his grip around my wrists tightening, causing a shooting pain to run up both of my arms.

Holy shit, this guy sure is bipolar.

I winced, his dark eyes boring into mine as he patiently waited for my answer, but of course, me being me, I just had to anger him further.

"Fuck you!" I spat through gritted teeth, writhing in his steel grip.

He froze, and not more than a milisecond after, his palm collided forcefully with my cheek, leaving a harsh stinging sensation in it's wake. My head had snapped to the side, and almost immediately I could taste the unmistakable metallic tang of blood. Tears stung along the rims of my eyes, spilling over and leaving hot, wet tracks down my cheeks.

He just hit me.

I choked back a cry, wanting so bad to just close my eyes and wake up in my own home, in my own bed, and this would have all just been a nightmare.

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