Into you, part 3

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You both walk inside to the couch where Ethan had everything settled, the pizza was on the table and he already fixed the movie. You sat down in the couch waiting for Ethan to join you. "Ethan the pizza is getting cold hurry up!!" "I'll be there in a minute!" You hear Ethan screaming. Ethan got out from his room with both hands behind his back, "Ethan..? What's behind your back?" You ask, "idk you tell me, which hand?" He smiles, "right hand" you say. Suddenly Ethan brings something looking like a present gift, "uhm Ethan it's not my birthday...?" "I know, it's a surprise, open it!!". The present is like air, it's not heavy at all it's like no weight in it. You open the present and find a box, you lift out the box and open that one too. "We haven't met for so long so we need a day to catch up with each other ;)" he says smiling, in the box there was a note, the note said:
since we haven't met for so long, we are taking a day off, just you and me and Grayson so we can catch up with each other, tomorrow we are going on an adventure, I'm not telling you where, but we're picking you up at 8 am and you will be home around 8 pm (just if you wanted Simon to know)
I love you, to our best friend y/n from eth and gray.
"Aww Ethan this is so cute!!" You stand up and gives Ethan a hug, "we really need this because we've had so much going on with the 4ou tour so we need to catch up, at first it was just you and me but then Grayson wanted to join and we both like you, uhm in the friend kind of way ofc!" Ethan smirked "Did you just friend zone me eth?? I'm just kidding, I'm excited for tomorrow but now we really need to watch this movie!" "Yes indeed" Ethan says and sit down next to you in the couch. You both were starving so the pizza didn't last long, but Ethan had some snacks so you guys were just fine.
*2 hours later*
"the movie can not end this way, that's just freaky" "I know y/n, but it's a scary movie, it's not supposed to have a good ending" Ethan replies. "Well I better go home, Simon is waiting and I need to tell him about tomorrow" "I understand, I'll see you tomorrow at 8, and oh, don't eat any breakfast!!". "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, bye eth". You close the door behind you and start walking to your car. It was kinda chilly and scary out but you made it all the way home without any trouble. You unlock the door and walk in, it was really quiet so you just assumed that Simon had went to bed. You hang up your jacket and take off your shoes, you put the keys at the kitchen table in a bowl as you always do, just so that you can easily find them the next day. "Simon, are you awake?" You kinda whispered, no respond.. Okay, he's sleeping. As quiet as possible you make your way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. "How am I supposed to tell Simon about tomorrow, I can't just leave a note in the morning like: good morning sunshine I'll be away the whole day with Ethan and Grayson bye" you said to yourself. Oh, whatever, you were too tired to even think about it. You make your way to the bedroom, it was dark. With the thought of Simon sleeping in your mind you didn't lighten up the room, so basically you walked around in the dark like a zombie looking for your (well Simons) shirt that you were sleeping in. You finally found it, you take off your other clothes and put the shirt on. You went to bed. While you were laying in the bed you reached for Simons hand, but you couldn't find it. You grab your phone and turn on the flashlight, Simon wasn't there. You panicked, you called Simon, no answer. You tried calling him again 5 minutes later "yeah babe?" Simon finally picked up the phone, what a relief. But then the anger hit you "where the f*** are you?!" "Why are you so mad?? I'm with some friends, chill" "okay I'm mad because you didn't leave any note saying you were with your friends, you didn't even mention that you were going to some friends tonight" "I don't need to leave any note? I can take care of myself?" You noticed that he was kinda drunk... "Okay you know what, fine, you're drunk, and I was worried okay? But never mind, enjoy your friends" "y/n im sor-" you hung up the phone, you were so pissed, he acted like a total asshole. Before you went to sleep you put your alarm clock at 7 am, since you were just doing your makeup and putting on clothes you didn't need more than 1 hour. You fell asleep in like 5 minutes.
You woke up by someone shaking you, it was Simon. "what?" you said annoyed, "I'm sorry for waking you up, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for acting like a total jerk before, I don't know what got to me. I should've left a note, I'm so sorry y/n" "it's okay, I'm sorry if I'm overprotective sometimes.. And I'm going to be away the whole day tomorrow with Grayson and Ethan, they wanted to catch up since they've been on tour for like a month now. I'll be home around 8 pm" "yeah okay, have fun tomorrow babe, you deserve to have fun. Go back to sleep, I love you so much y/n" he gives you a kiss on your forehead, "goodnight Simon I love you more than anything". You fell asleep again.
*the next morning*
*alarm clock rings*
Ughhh, you turn it off, looking besides you, Simon was still sleepin. You tried not to wake him up, you gave him a kiss and went out of bed. You went in to your closet, you took a pair of black high wasted jeans and a cute t-shirt because it was very windy outside and not warm at all, but it wasn't cold either but you wanted to be on the safe side so you took jeans and a shirt. All the makeup was in the bathroom so you closed the bedroom door and went out to the bathroom, you didn't want to over do your makeup so you sticked to some foundation, highlighter and mascara. You put your hair up in a messy bun, because you loved having your hair in a messy bun.
*doorbell rings*
"Must be the twins" you said happily to yourself. You went to the door and opened, there stood a happy Grayson smiling, "hey y/n" he said giving you a big hug. "Hi Grayson!!" "Are you ready for today??" "IF I am" I said laughing, you grabbed your keys, locked the door and went with Grayson to the car where Ethan was waiting. "Are y'all ready?" Ethan asked. "Yes!!" Grayson and I replied. "Let's goooo"

End of part 3, sooo next part is going to be the last part of this imagine I THINK. It depends on how long it'll be, BUT the next part is also going to be very dramatic ;) keep your eyes open for part 4! Follow my Twitter in the meantime @showyoudolans
I love you! /Malin aka mal

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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