Good-Bye Allyson

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This is extremely short. I just need to get rid of my emotions so please don't read if you are sensitive to suicide or depression.

Allyson's POV

What should I live for anymore? I told her I loved her and she left me. She doesn't want me in her life. She just wants me to leave her alone.

With 3 words I lost the girl I loved and my best friend.

I love you... 3 words... 3 syllables... 8 letters... that is all it took to lose the person I loved.

"I need to do it", I whispered to myself.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed my anti-depressants... Kind of ironic if you think about it...

I'm using anti-depressants to kill myself. Guess they didn't work.

1 week later

I open my eyes and see where I am... I am at a funeral.

"Who's funeral is this?" I ask myself.

"It's yours", a voice says.

I look to my left and see someone I never thought I would see again.

"McKenna", I whispered.

"Hey Ally", she smiled.

"Why are you here?" I question.

"You killed yourself, Ally... I told you I would be the first person you saw when you died. Here I am", she chuckled.

McKenna was my girlfriend... my first love... She died of cancer just after our 4 year anniversary.

"I have missed you so much, Kenna", I giggled, dryly through my tears.

"Ally... You moved on... It's okay. I wanted you to fall in love with someone else. You couldn't be with me. I was gone. I love you but I'm alright. Nina deserves your heart", McKenna sighed.

"Nina wants nothing to do with me. Plus I can't be with her now... I'm dead", I frowned.

"Do you remember just after your death when you would see me on the street and in your dreams?"

"Yeah", I frowned, confused.

"That was me watching over you. I did it up until you moved on. You can do it for Nina", McKenna smiled. I have missed that smile.

She grabbed my hand and we went over to my casket. I look and there is Nina... she is crying.

McKenna and I sit down in the front row where no one is siting and Nina stood up to make a speech.

"She is speaking?" I whispered.

McKenna nodded.

"Ally was my best friend... A few days ago, she told me she loved me. I didn't react well. I just didn't expect it. I love her so much... But I was too late. She is gone. I can't wait to be by her side so that I can apologize and tell her... I love her back", Nina spoke.

"She loved me back", I stated, in awe.

"She does. She really loves you. She just wasn't expecting you to love her... but don't worry you will see her again one day", Kenna said.

From then on, I visited Nina every day. We even talked a few times. She later became an amazing author. She wrote a book about how she spoke to her lost love's ghost. She never fell in love with anyone else. And she kept her promise to one day come back to me.

When Nina was 67 she died of cancer. She came to me and she was the same age she was the day I died.

We then lived on together... Forever.

This was supposed to be sadder but I just let my brain take control. Here you go. Hope you enjoyed. Love you! Bye!

If you wanted to know McKenna was my actual girlfriend who died October 10th 2014. We were together for 4 years and I loved her. But I have moved on from her. But she will always be my best friend... no matter what.

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