Boy #1

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He pulled a gun out of his pants

"No no! Eddie please don't do this!" The man shouted to the younger boy

"You missed payment" Eddie said in an emotionless voice

"I was gonna pay, I just needed a few more days!" The mans panicked voice trembled

"Liar, we checked your apartment" Eddie said as he cocked the gun

"Eddie! No it's not like that, I had just arrived from a business trip, please don't kill me, please I beg you" the man said frantically

"You're so pathetic" Eddie said before he pulled the trigger.

The mans limp body fell as blood poured out of his dead corpse.

Eddie signaled the guys to pour the gasoline on the body. He walked back into his car and drove off letting the other guys handle the task without a care in the world.

When Eddie got to his apartment, Quinn was there.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked suspiciously

"Just want to talk" Quinn said with a sinister smile

"You never just want to talk" Eddie said as he sat down on the couch.

Quinn jumped onto the table and crossed his legs while Eddie looked at his every movement "Well?" Eddie said with irritation "We're gonna kill someone tonight" Quinn said with a sinister look in his face

"I'm not gonna go along with your crazy shit anymore" Eddie said "But you will kid, you can't do anything about it" Quinn said with a tilt of the head

"You can't make me" Eddie said angrily as he took out his gun and pointed it to Quinn

"What's that gonna do to me?" Quinn questioned as he laughed "Leave me alone" Eddie said as he cocked the gun "I can't do that Eddie" Quinn said as he hopped off the table and walked towards him

"Stay back or I'll-" Eddie was interrupted "You'll what kid? You can't hurt me, have you forgotten who I am? Now put the gun away before you hurt yourself, get ready we're going out" Quinn said as he stared at Eddie with deadly eyes.

Eddie put his gun down and went and grabbed the coke "Hurry up" Quinn said as Eddie sat down and got a line ready.

Minutes later Eddie was doped up feeling on top of the world, he knew he needed the extra energy for this.

"Come on kid, let's go have some fun" Quinn said with a laugh as he stood by the door.

Eddie grabbed his keys and opened the door, they both left the apartment and headed into the car.

"Where to?" Eddie asked as he turned on the car "The club of course" Quinn said with a big o' smile as Eddie pulled out of the parking lot.


Loud music was heard and felt under Eddie's feet, the lights where blinding, he looked around confused

"How did I get here?" He questioned with confusion

"You drove idiot" Eddie turned to see Quinn leaning against a table

"Right" he said as he looked around trying to take as much of the surrounding in

"There you are" a soft voice said behind him, Eddie turned around to see a brunette with long hair smiling at him sweetly

"What?" He questioned with confusion clouding his features

"I leave to the bathroom for a minute and you run off?" She questioned as she wrapped her delicate chocolate-like arms around his neck

"She's the one" Quinn said as he began to walk to the entrance, Eddie looked up to see Quinn signal him that it was time to leave

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