Boy #5

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He sat on the long couch he had put in his room the day before

He seemed uninterested as he looked at her

Hiding his emotions so he wouldn't get hurt any further

His blue eyes looking dull, his pale hand reached to grab his beer

She stood in the middle of the room looking extremely uncomfortable to be standing there

He tried to keep his emotions locked away deep in him as he looked at her calculating the situation

The silence was almost deadly, to her at least

As the silence stretched on, he could see she was becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second

He let out a deep sigh before speaking


"You wanted something?"

She shivered at the sound of his deep raw voice

As time ticked by, he began to get annoyed by each second that she stayed quiet, he cocked an eyebrow upwards with irritation

He lifted the beer to his cherrie red lips taking a sip of the disgusting sour drink

He narrowed his eyes at her, calculating her expression, wondering if she'll open that pretty little mouth of her's to speak

She looked at him after a few more seconds and took a big breath before speaking

"Why did you leave Simon?"

He caught her voice trembling slightly as she tried so hard to stay compose in front of him

He so badly wanted to rush to her and embrace her beautiful soft chocolate skin in his cream like long arms

He wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let her go, but he didn't do that

He stayed rooted in that stupid leather couch with his slim long fingers wrapped around the cold beer bottle

He looked away from her hazel bloodshot pained eyes because he didn't believe he had enough self control to contain himself from doing exactly what he desired to

He let minutes pass by as he thought very carefully about what to say next, the next words that came out of his cherrie red lips would either break or mend things with the woman he loved so dearly

He calculated very carefully and thought of all the outcomes possible, before saying any rubbish, he decided to go with the truth and spare her any bullshit

He looked up at her with his deep crystal dull blue eyes "I push people away, it's what I do" his voice was so void of any emotion he could see it breaking her more and more, and believe it or not, it caused him excruciating pain

He looked down at the beer in his hand and let out another heavy sigh

She scoff angrily "People? So I'm just any other person to you now Simon? I thought I was different to you, I thought you loved me, you lying bastard!" she had been shouting by the end, as her body looked rigid standing there in the middle of the plain black room

Simon narrowed his eyes, wanting to shout at her for saying he didn't love her and how dare she doubt his love for her even now

But he kept his lips shut tight as he stared down at his beer before taking another big sip of the sour cold liquid

He pursed his lips with distaste

His body was tense, his left leg bouncing up and down, it was something that he developed over his eighteen years of his life to try and calm himself

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