I heard you

701 19 1

You layed in bed with cas, your warm nude bodies pressed against eachother. You had a busy night with cas like usual. After teaching him the ways of human intimacy when he lost his grace and became human, you two had gone down that road frequently.

The sun shining through the window lighting the room. He stroked your hair while you snuggled into his chest.

Your eyes fluttered open. "Morning yn," cas moved a stray hair from your face. "Morning cas," you snuggled more into his chest.

You hugged him wrapping your arms around him tightly. He rubbed your back. His calloused hands tingling your skin. Heavy footsteps cascaded towards your door but you ignored them.

You looked up at cas and leaned in. He closed the gap and kissed you softly. You pushed up deepening the kiss. The door opened squeaking. You put your hands on his chest. He put his hands on your back bringing you in closer.

The person from the door coughed. You pulled away looking at the man standing at the end of your bed. "So am I interrupting something or," sam rubbed the back of his neck.

"What do you ya need sammy," you snuggled closer to cas, trying to hide the fact that you both are still naked. "Just wondering if you wanted breakfast and what you want." He shifted akwardly.

"I'll have waffles and sausage," you smiled. He nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. "I'm gonna shower," you flipped the comforter up cold air rushing over you.

You went to the dresser and opened a drawer. You grabbed some sweatpants and one of the boys' shirts you stole. You opened another drawer grabbing your undergarments.

You walked your way to the bathroom and closed the door. Turning on the shower to a warm temperature, you got out a towel. (I almost said talking off your shirt..oops your allready naked)

You stepped in the warm water forming beads on your back. You wetted your hair and opened the shampoo. You squirted a bit on your hands spreading it around your head.

You rinsed out the shampoo and began to wash your body. You felt warm against your back. "Hi cassie," you tuned to see cas standing there. You two then showered with eachother.

After drying off and getting dressed you and cas went down stairs to eat breakfast. You walked into the kitchen cas walking behind you.

"Your breakfast is in the microwave," sam looked up from his computer. You walked over to the microwave and cas sat down.

You got out your warm breakfast and sat next to cas. You digged into your waffles enjoying the maple syrup dripping down the sides.

After finishing your waffles you moved on to your sausages. You stuffed on in your mouth. "I heard you last night," dean blurted out, making you almost choke on your breakfast.

You coughed, and swallowed your food. "You did?" Your face burning a crimson red. He nodded his head chuckling. "I'm sorry if I yearn for the touch of my suggnificant other," cas placed a hand on your thigh.

You giggled. "Exactly," you smiled. He rubbed your thigh. You finished your breakfast the boys cracking jokes.

You made your way to the couch and say down turning on the tv. Cas sat down next to you. You snuggled up to him. He looked at you grabbing your attention. You smiled at him. Then connection your lips.

You kissed him more passionately. Dean walked into the room. "Hey get a room please," he gaged. "We have one, and your in it," he just ignored you and walked into the opposite room.

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