Ch. 4~ 20 Questions

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Txo_368: k I made it! I'm on the bus

Rickthesizzler: yessss 20 questions time

Txo_368: fine. but I start

Rickthesizzler: a'ight fair enough

Txo_368: umm, favorite color?

Rickthesizzler: lol what a deep question. Hmm. Prolly gold or black

Rickthesizzler: alright, my turn. What's your name.

Txo_368: seriously

Rickthesizzler: pleseeeease

Txo_368: no.

Rickthesizzler: I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!

Txo_368: ah screw it. Alright, my name's Trinity.

Rickthesizzler changed Txo_368 to Trinity😎

Rickthesizzler: finally I know your name! my mind is happy!

Trinity😎: omgsh ur so weird just like me. I lOve it lmao

Rickthesizzler: well thank you. My name is Justin btw.

Trinity😎: shut up what's your real name

Rickthesizzler: it's seriously Justin I'm not lyin

Trinity😎: right. And your last names Bieber too. Okay Rick.:)

Rickthesizzler: if you only knew my last name... And, hey stop that. it's Justin I swear. Not Rick

Trinity😎: boi you better be serious I just gave you a very valuable piece of my information XD

Rickthesizzler: wow mami I feel so special 😏

Trinity changed Rickthesizzler to justin?

Trinity😎: mami? Yeah, no.

Trinity😎: well you should feel special. Ur a very lucky guy:) jk. What color is your hair?

justin?: naturally brown but it goes back and forth. Brown, blonde, in between

Trinity😎: nice. mines brown also

Justin?: cool(; have you ever been arrested?

Trinity😎: no way! What kinda person do you think I am

Justin?: well just cuz someone gets arrested doesn't make them a horrible person

Trinity😎: tru, tru. So have you been arrested then

Justin?: yea

Trinity😎: omg rly? What for?

Justin?: let's not talk about that ok?

Trinity😎: fine. I'm getting off the bus now anyways. Ttyl, guy who may be named Justin

Justin?: bye trin good luck on finals:)

I couldn't help smiling as I shut off my phone and walked to first period. Here I am, practically friendless, meeting someone by accident who I actually enjoy talking to. At least I think I do.  Now all I have to do is pass these finals.

I was in the middle of taking my test. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop and feel the stress radiating off all the students. That's when Justin decided it would be a good time to make my phone vibrate. It startled me so much that I snapped the tip of my pencil.

Being as dumb as possible, I actually turned on my phone in my lap.

Justin?: hows ur test?
I'm bored

Trinity😎: shut up I'm taking it rn

Justin?: sorry!!!!!

Trinity😎: it's cool. Almost done.

I clicked my phone off, and stupidly filled in a random answer for the last question, bringing it up to Mr. Davidson's desk, and taking my seat before he could find something to yell at me for.

Justin?: u all done yet?

Trinity😎: yea. Lemme get a pass and get out of here so we can talk.

Justin?: alright:)I can't wait

I walked back up to Mr. Davidson's desk shyly, and waited for his mean, harsh eyes to look up from his book.

"Yes, Miss Adams," he said, annoyedly.

"May I have a hall pass please? I'm finished with my exam.

" You used a hall pass yesterday." He said sternly. I can't believe how he remembers everything.

"Yes, Mr. Davidson, but" I stuttered. I could feel Justin texting me through my pocket, and I had to think of something fast.

"It's it's that time of the month," I said, faking embarrassment.

He sighed and reached behind him, tearing off a yellow pass and signing it.

He turned back to his book and I darted down the hallway, straight to the library.

I sat down at a table grabbing my phone, eager to talk to Justin.

Justin?: hurry up and get that hall pass

Justin?: I wanna talk to you and continue the gameeee

Trinity😎: I'm here. Man I hate that teacher

Justin?: exactly why I'm not in college. Well. that and other..commitments.

Trinity😎: wait wait back up. College?

I could feel my heart dropping. I only knew him for a day, and he's still basically a stranger, but he makes me so happy! I think I feel something. Something else... No! Snap out of it right now!

Justin?: what? Trinity, you better not be in middle school or I swear...

Trinity😎: no. Just, how old r u?

Justin?: well how old are YOU

Trinity😎: I asked u first

Justin?: fine. I'm 20.

And there goes my heart. Sinking again

Trinity😎: well my birthday is actually tomorrow so I don't know what age to tell you

Justin?: Go with your current age

Trinity😎: ugh FINE! Im 17, turning 18 in less than 24 hours okay?

Read by Justin? At 11:16 a.m.

A/N) DUN DUN DUNNNN is Justin mad? Does he think there's too big of an age difference?

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