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Kirishima's POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The others surrounded me as I played the trending video on my phone. The headline catching out eyes, Nameless hero defeats Noumu. That same type of Noumu that All Might was attacked by. And that nameless hero. was Hikari. She looked amazing... She must be wearing that new suit they made for her. It seemed they were in a small school, judging by the playgrounds. But the news team only got footage of the fight from above. The half of the school was already turned into rubble by the Noumu.

"Sugoi! Kai-chan managed to save that child and defeat the Noumu!" Uraraka cried as we walked towards the hospital.

"When I heard she was in the hospital, I thought she had just went haywire again, but this is incredible" Iida added, pushing his glasses.

I nodded my head. As the video played, my chest clenched every time the creature managed to hit her. But she took it like it was nothing! Getting back up each time and it seemed she even had a plan. But she didn't try to hurt it at all. It's like she was trying to avoid doing that, but that's would be impossible to take it down and not hurt it.

"This is the part that made me throw up a little." Midoriya pointed out, covering his mouth.

We watched as the child started charging for the creature, she suddenly sprung up using her wings and grabbing him.

"Look, that's not the only thing she did." Tsu croaked.

She's right...

She fell to the ground, her wings encasing the both of them. But on the other side the creature fell to the ground. Her weapon was lodged in its head. I gulped, almost dropping the phone.

"It doesn't seem she's too proud of it. If you watch closely, she tried to hide the fact that she killed it from the child." Todoroki spoke.

The video kept playing, the next part causing the hair on my neck to stand up. She crumbled to the ground, her wings shrinking back and let out an ear piercing screech. It wasn't like her to scream like this. Even when she attacked us, she only cried just a little. But this was a new level.

"Hikari..." I whispered, holding back the feeling in my throat.

"We need to get to her quickly" Kyouka sighed while carrying a strange brown box.  I eyed her and then glanced at the box. She shook her head and nodded in front of me.

The sliding doors opened, the large white building, with clouds closing in, towered over us. Upon arriving, the place was a disaster. Nurses were frantically running around, while police officers were yelling into walkie talkies. The heck was going on? Iida rushed up to the counter where a nurse was yelling into a phone.

"Excuse me ma'am but is everything alright?" He asked.

She glared at us for a few moments but changed on sight of our uniform. Sighing, she placed the phone down.

"It seems one of our patients has gone missing. We couldn't find her this morning and she's vital to the police right now."


"Cmon we'll help find her, Everyone split up and try to think of places Hikari might hide!" Yaoyorozu yelled, rushing off outside. The others quickly followed her actions, going separate ways in search for the girl.

Soon enough, I was left alone in the lobby. She's such an idiot sometimes. Even back on the roof that night, she tried to lie to me about her feelings, always trying to protect others. She never thinks of herself. I wonder where she might be...

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