1) Tree Hunting

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"Y/N, can we go yet? We've looked at every tree on this lot! I'm hungry and cold!" Niall complained. You sighed. "I'm sorry Niall, its just that as a child me and my family had competitions to see who could find the best Christmas tree. And your not being much help." You said. You were becoming frustrated with Niall and yourself, and he could sense it. "I'm sorry princess we will find the perfect tree, I promise. It just might not be at this tree lot." Niall explained. You nodded taking his hand and leading him towards the exit. "Thanks Niall. You're right we'll have to keep looking."You said kissing his cheek. Just as you were walking off the lot, something caught your eye. "Wait, Niall" You said pulling him towards a tall tree. It had the perfect amount of branches and was small enough to fit into your car. "Look at it! I've finally found the perfect tree!" You yelled. "YAY! Sir can you put this in our car?" He asked a sales clerk. "Now we can go eat! Finally, I'm starving!" Niall sighed. You giggled pecking his cheek. "This tree is perfect, just like you."


You and Harry had been tree hunting for around two hours. Both of you were becoming fed up with one another. You could cut the tension with a knife. "Y/N it would be a lot easier if you would help me in searching for the tree." Harry mumbled. "What the heck do you think I've been doing Harry? I want this Christmas tree to be perfect. It's our first Christmas spent together. But I guess since your not going to put in the effort to cooperate with me, it might be the last!" You yelled. He sighed, and looked over at you. You were standing with your hands at your sides clenched into tiny fists, your face was red from your anger and the cold. "I'm so sorry love. I just want this Christmas to be absolutely amazing. And I guess I forgot what the true meaning of Christmas was all about. Spending time with your loved ones." He said walking over to you and kissing you on the lips. You responded immediately, then pulled away. "No I'm sorry Harry. I should have at least tried to help you find a tree." You said. He nodded and shrugged. "Hey everybody gets stressed around this time of year, now lets go find that perfect tree." He whispered, pecking your forehead.


Since Christmas was his favourite time of the year, you had expected Liam to love searching for the perfect tree. But he turned out to be anything but pleasant. "C'mon can we hurry this up? I have other things to do then search for some stupid tree that's only going to be up for a week." He complained grumpily. "Liam I'm trying to find one, but your impossible to work with, you dislike every tree I like." You said. " Well maybe if your found a good tree, I'd agree with you more." He mumbled. "Well than maybe you should go wait in the car. I'll be there in a couple of minutes." You sighed brushing past him. He looked at you and sighed in defeat. "No. I'd rather stay with you. I'm sorry I'm being such a douche bag. It's just I've spent a long day at the studio. And all I want to do is go home and sleep." He said. You giggled. "OK now you sound like Zayn." He chuckled and pecked you on the cheek. "Now lets search for that tree." Your hunt continued for another 20 minutes and you were giving up all hope. That is until you saw the perfect tree. "Liam look over here. Isn't it perfect?" You asked gazing at the tree. It was smaller than the others, and it seemed to have gone through a lot of damage. The branches were thin and weak. But to you and Liam you felt you had to get it. And at the end of the night you and Liam brought home two trees. A massive tree for the living room and a tiny tree for your bedroom. This Christmas was going to be perfect.


"Wow all these trees are so big. I'd be scared that one of them might fall on me." You said "Yea I know that's why I'm carrying it to the car and putting on decorations towards the top." He said. You giggled agreeing with him. He smiled. "Lets go pick out our tree." He said. You squealed. Picking out the tree was one of your favourite parts of Christmas. Zayn laughed and ran to your side to open the door. You beat him to it though. You were up and out of that car before you could say Merry Christmas. "Y/N the lots this way," Zayn called. You giggled and ran through the tree lot. Just as you were about to go down an aisle, Zayn pulled you back. Right where you were standing a tree had tipped over and landed roughly on the ground. "And this is why I will now go down the aisle first." Zayn said. "Just like you did on our wedding day." you said sighing romantically reminiscing the moment. Just then you and Zayn discovered the perfect tree. It was a bright green tree that stood around 7ft. It would fit perfectly in your living room. "Oh Zayn we have to get this one! Just imagine how beautiful it will look with all of our ornaments on it." You sang cheerfully. He chuckled. " Sir we have decided on this one."


"He'll go done in history." You and Louis sang. "You can open your eyes now." Louis spoke. "A TREE LOT?! Oh my gosh thank you Louis." you said happily. "Well I know how much you like  choosing out the Christmas tree." He said pecking your forehead while holding you close as you got out of the car. You and Louis entered the lot. Your eyes widened when you saw the long aisles of beautiful green trees. "Wow! This is amazing!" You sighed. Louis nodded grabbing your hand and pulling you through the aisles. You searched for two hours trying to find the perfect tree. "Ugh we are not having any luck." You muttered. Louis nodded agreeing with you. "Maybe our perfect tree isn't at this lot." He sighed squeezing your hand and pulling you towards his car. As you settled in your seat you saw the most glorious tree you had ever seen. "Wait a minute!" You shouted getting out of the car. "Y/N!" Louis yelled. You waved your hand gesturing him over. Standing in front of you was the biggest and brightest tree in front of you. "This is it. This is our perfect tree." You sighed looking at Louis dreamily. He nodded  his head agreeing with you. 

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