Chapter 19

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People are like slinkies, not really good for anything, but still bring a smile on your face when you push them down the stairs.


Seb's P.O.V.

Riley dashed out the door, in wolf form, leaving Gage and I in the room by ourselves anger coursing through each of us.

Her tailed hit the door shut on the way out, but my heartrate was too high for me to give a damn. "Gage. What-" I began.

"NO! NO! STOP TALKING! LISTIN TO ME! RILEY IS MINE! SHE WANTS ME. SEB. SHE ALWAYS HAS, AND IF SHE CHOOSES YOU I WILL MAKE SURE YOU PAY." he growls. I was surprised to see Gage like this. He's usually the cool, responsible one. I've never seen him disruptive. He's acting like godzilla right now, distroying everything in his path.

"What's happening to you Gage?" I question keeping my voice calm. Gage released a hard breathe, trying to control his rage.

"I don't believe you are fit to be alpha anymore, Sebastion." he growled.

What does he mean I am not fit to be alpha?

"What are you talking about, Gage?" I'm so confused right now. Is he questioning my authority? Is he challenging me for the spot of alpha?

"I think I would make a much better alpha than you...Don't you think?" Gage asks smiling devishly, as if he could really beat me in a fight for the alpha position. I quickly, grabb my boxers off the floor and slip them on before getting out of the bed. "My first rule in my new pack will be, to kill who ever sleeps with another wolfs girlfriend, and who knows? Maybe the girl is a whore and deserves to get hurt to." Gage grinned.

I wasn't frightened of Gage. I was scared for Riley. What is he gonna do to her? She isn't his mate. So why would he care so much? I only thought this possessivness happened to mates.

"Are you challenging me?" I question, just to make sure I'm right.

Gage grins wider. "Ladies and gentleman the alpha has finally figured it out!" he claps his hands, taking a step closer to me and whispers, "So what do you say? Just try to beat me," I shake my head and whipe my eyes quickly.


"I'll happily kill you on the spot, Sebation. You stole Riley from me. So I might as well do the same for you, but I think I'll spice it up a bit and steal your life instead." he grinned. And before I knew it a gray wolf stood in front of me, just a bit smaller than my own.

Gage leaped forward, claws extended. He swiped at my face, and missed. "Gage, stop." I growled out, trying my best to contain my wolf.

Gage snapped at me, then growled. Gage reached for me and grabbed a hold of my shoulders. We hurdled our way towards the window, until I heard the breaking of glass, and then my feet were no longer connected to the ground.

In mid-fall I shifted.

We landed on the ground with a thud. Soon enough I was on my feet again, walking around Gage who was limping a bit from the fall.

Gage... I sent a thought to him, but the momen I spoke it to him, he growled. There is only one way, to deal with this. I have to show him who's alpha. And that is and always will

Gage lunged forward, claws outstretched, and teeth snapping. I sidestepped and dogded his blow. I have to think about my moves carefully, Gage at the moment is only going on instinct. He's not thinking. Just doing. And in order to win a fight, you need to use your head.

I thought of his next move before I saw it. I brought my paw up in the air, and swiped it across his jaw. Blood dripped from his cheek, just the tinniest bit, but it was enough to know that I had managed to touch him.

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