Part 6

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“T-thank you.” Then line then went dead and I put my phone back into my pocket

“What happened Prince?” Bakura asked

“Téa threatened Yugi.”

“She what?!” Joey and Marik yelled

“She told him to stay away for me because he was holding me back from being happy and if he didn’t she would make sure Yugi would never be recognised again.”

“That Bitch!” Ryou called out and everyone looked at him

“Who are you and what have you done with my Beloved?” Bakura asked

“What? I can't swear every so often?”

“You can, we just weren't expecting it.”

“I need to go.”

“Let us know how Yugi is.” Joey said

“I will.” I ran out of the house and back to the game shop and locking the door behind me after I'd entered. I then ran upstairs and transported to Yugi's location. When I arrived I saw Yugi curled up in a ball on the sofa, clutching onto a cushion; I ran over to him and sat down before pulling him into my lap


“Yes I'm here, it's me little one.”  He clutched my shirt and began crying

“Shh, it's alright little one, she can't get to you.”

“Y-Yami I-I've m-missed you.”

“What do you mean? I haven't left.”

“I've missed moments w-were you'd hold me and tell me it would be o-okay.”

“I'm sorry Yugi I never meant for you to be hurt, I'm so sorry.”

“J-just promise m-me we can have m-more moments l-like this.”

“Of course Yugi, I promise.” I heard the door open and close followed by three voices, two of which I recognised

“Yami, what are you doing here?” Atemu asked

“Wait, you're Yami?” I looked over at him to see he looked exactly like Yugi except he had tanned skin

“And I'm guessing you're Heba, Yugi's twin brother?”

“Yes and I want you out of my house.”

“H-Heba don't, He's here because I-I asked him to come.” Yugi defended

“No Yugi, it's okay; it is his house he has every right to kick me out, especially after I hurt you so much."

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