Chapter 2 part 4

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Yami's Pov

“Yugi?” I knock on the door but I only got the sound of crying in response. I walked downstairs to find Atem stood in the living room

“Do you know what's wrong with Yugi?” he shook his head

“No but can you tell me why your phone was off or why yours and Yugi's link was closed?” I shook my head

“No I hadn't even realised.”

“I found this note in Yugi’s room earlier, Yami did you have somewhere you need to be at 7:00 tonight?” it suddenly clicked in my mind and I ran back up stair and knock on Yugi's door

“Yugi open the door! Please Yugi, I'm sorry…just open the door please.” I heard the door unlock before it opened and I was hit in the face with something before the door closed again. I looked down at what Yugi had thrown at me to see the Kuriboh plush I had given him for his birthday. I sighed

“Yugi please, I am really sorry, I didn't realise the link was closed and my phone must have died but I am sorry Yugi I was doing homework and I didn't realise the time until a few minutes ago… please open the door.”

"Just leave me alone!" I sighed but granted his wish by walking into my own room, I laid down on the bed and placing the puzzle around my neck. I then entered my soul room which had become a lot brighter over the past few years. I walked out of my soul room and over to Yugi's door which was open like normal. I looked inside to see Yugi face down on his bed crying, I sighed and walked inside before sitting on the bed and pulling him into my lap causing him to struggle but I kept a good hold on him till he calmed down a few minutes later

"W-why are you here?" he asked me

"Because you wouldn't open your door so I couldn't talk to you out there."

"You're the cause of this in the first place!"

"I know Yugi believe me I do, but I have a good reason."

"You told me you were doing homework."

"I said that because Heba was listening."

"T-then what's the truth?"

"The truth is Tea wouldn't stop calling me and I was just waiting for the time that I would meet you in the park, but I fell asleep and in the process the link turned off by the time I woke up it was too late and I didn't I hadn't looked at the clock until Atemu asked if I had to be somewhere to be at 7:00... I am so; so sorry Yugi, if I could go back in time would but I assure you it wasn't intentional." There was a few minutes of silence and sobs

"I-I believe you." I smiled and drew him closer to me

"Thank you Yugi and I will make it up to you."

"Seto said I had to tell you something important tonight while we were at the park."

"Well you can still tell me now can't you?" he shook his head

"I'm not sure I can."

"Why not?"

"I wasn't even sure I could do I before."

"What have I told you about not having confidence in yourself?"

"That I should have confidence in myself and I shouldn't put myself down."

"Exactly, so why are you doubting whether or not you can tell me?"

"I just can't!" then he disappeared from his soul room

"Yugi!" I sighed before disappearing myself and waking up in my bedroom, I looked at the clock to see it was 7:45

"Damn it!" I jumped up and quickly got changed before running down stairs

"Ah, Yami is Yugi still up in his room?" Grandpa asked

"I don't know, what day is it?"

"Thursday, but I called in sick for both you and Yugi."


"Well, you are sick of Tea, and Yugi doesn't need to go to school today after what happened last night." I looked to the ground in shame

"I explained to him what had happened, but I feel like he's hiding something from me."

"I want you to reconnect with him Yami; ever since you started to date Tea you two have become distant."

"I know, I want to spend more time with him but every time I get close Tea pulls me away, I don't even want to be with her I never have."


"I love Yugi, but I fear that he'll reject me and Tea found out about that and is now using it against me."

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