Chapter 6

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© Sandra Corton 2013

Chapter 6

“What do you want?” Aiden growled out the words as he stepped onto his back porch.

“Looks like someone enjoys playing with their food.” The man strode out of the shadows with a sly grin on his face but beyond that Aiden could sense a dangerous anger. He knew it was the same one that had tried to coerce Honey to dance but failed.

The man looked as all pure bloods did, handsome to the extreme but deathly pale. Eyes as red as the blood they consumed and superiority to him written in every step they took. This one’s arrogance seemed much larger than any Aiden had met before. It didn’t stop the pure blood from being dangerous and far more deadly than his half-blood could ever be.

“You know she is my innocent.” Aiden stated simply, deciding to approach the subject at hand.

“You stole my food from me last night. I do not take kindly to such matters.” The other man’s voice lowered threateningly.

“She had refused your approaches numerous times.” Aiden quickly deflected.

“Perhaps but that is due to you as well. You had tainted her with your half-blood ways.” The man’s face turned black with fury and Aiden knew he would have to change tact.

“I had permission to take her.” Aiden answered honestly.

“What do I look like to you? Some charity case for a shitty half-blood!” The man snarled but Aiden stood his ground.

“She was mine to take. Talk to your Elder, he gave me permission.” Aiden insisted which only made the other more furious.

“You have it wrong she was mine! You have made me the laughing stock of my clan!” The man said with deadly intent.

“As I just mentioned, I was allowed to take her.” Aiden forced his voice to calm as the other man laughed harshly, derisively in his face. A vicious grin spread on the pure bloods face and Aiden tensed up.

“You have become attached. What a foolish half-blood you are! There is very good reason why an innocent is consumed the day you meet them.”

The look he sent Aiden was malicious then and Aiden knew why. He was right. It was the very reason he had tried to get Rosie to send Honey away the first day she came here. The more time spent with an innocent, the more attached one becomes. The more one realises than her life is more precious than your own immortality.

“If you have nothing more to say then please leave.” Aiden’s voice went cold.

“Take food from me again and I will snap you like a twig.” The man snarled.

“I had no intention of stealing food from you last night, nor did I.” Aiden replied sharply.

“I will have her. If you are so intent on protecting that innocent then I would walk very carefully in the dark hours. She is mine to take and I will have her.” At those words the pure blood was gone.

Aiden heard his words clearly and knew the pure blood had meant them. He closed his eyes, put his head in his hands and pondered what to do. That was until he heard her heart beat pounding and her harsh panicked breathing, then he let go of his worries.

She needed looking after, protecting and he was going to be the one to do it even as the pure bloods words echoed in his ears. He would be her guard from the dangerous part of his world while all the time he would be craving her blood viciously.

He pulled the second key to his room from his pocket. He unlocked it cautiously and peered into the darkness that was thankfully quite light to him. At first he couldn’t see her and he wondered if she had found the hidden trap door. Then her heart beat registered and her smell hit him hard so he knew exactly where she was.

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