Chapter 1: "The Fairy Tail Guild!"

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[Hello, Trashy here!
I have a little guide for the words that may not make sense. More may be added here as the story goes on.
So, if you like the first chapter, comment or vote!
(Y/N)= Your Name
(E/A)= Emblem Area
(E/C)= Emblem Color
Have any questions? Ask me in the comments!]
-Just go!
~No! I won't leave you by yourself!
-Please..I don't want to see you hurt..
-NOW (Y/N)!
~Y-yes sir...
"Wh-what?! Donryu! I'll sa--"
You stopped yourself in the middle of the sentence.
"I had that nightmare....again."
You murmered, tears flowing down your face. You sighed.
"This is getting annoying.."
You mumbled as you snuggled back into the hotel bed sheets, telling yourself to go to back to sleep.

~The Next Day...~

"Finally! Magnolia! The town that holds...the Fairy Tail Guild."
You said to yourself, excitement and apprehension building up inside you. You had heard so much about the Guild, how every member was so clever, and strong! You knew if you got into the Guild, you would become a much better wizard.
You wandered about the medium-sized town, checking out little shops and such along the way.
Finally, you saw the GuildHall, a fairly large building that was beautifully built. You gasped.
"It's amazing!"
You walked towards it slowly, until you were right outside.
As you walked closer to the building, you could hear shouts and things being broken in the hall. Curious, you slowly opened the door, and, posing not too much of a surprise, was a very messed up Hall, complete with broken tables, and currently fighting mages. Two wizards stood out the most though, a pink-haired teen, and a raven-haired, half-naked man.
"What the--"
You began.
A loud, feminine voice yelled on top of her lungs.
You looked over at the source of the frazzled scream. It was a blonde-haired, brown-eyed girl, with a blue outfit and golden and silver keys you could clearly see.
'Celestial Wizard. Rare.'
You noted.
The two boy wizards barely heard her, but a red-haired woman repeated the blondie's words, and the two males shut up, scared looks on their faces.
You chuckled.
Everyone, including the two once-fighting wizards, turned their gaze on you.
You feel intimidated, but take a shaky breath and begun to introduce yourself.
"Hello. I am (Y/N) and I am a Storm Dragon Slayer. I come from a faraway city."
You said, meeting each of the Fairy Tail wizard's gazes in turn.
A short, old man walked into the room, a staff-like thing in his hand.
He looked up at you.
"Hello, (Y/N), I'm Master Makarov, leader of this crazy Guild we call Fairy Tail. I see your interested in joining?"
You gave a small smile, and nodded.
"Yes. It would be a great pleasure for me to join this Guild, despite the apparent rowdiness."
Makarov smiled and chuckled.
"Well, follow me then. I can help you with joining my Guild."
You gave a slight nod and followed him.
Makarov talked to you for about an hour, explaining the rules, etc. Finally, he let you leave, telling you to find a white-haired mage named MiraJane.
You begin your search for this "MiraJane."
After about 15-20 minutes of nonstop searching, you walked up to the blonde-haired girl from earlier, hoping she was kind enough to show you where the white-haired woman was.
"Hello. I'm (Y/N). The girl from earlier."
You said politely.
"Oh! (Y/N)! Hi! I'm Lucy!"
Her optimism was quite contagious.
"Hi Lucy! I was, uhm, wondering if you could point me towards a girl named..MiraJane?"
"Oh, Mira! Of course, follow me!"
You smiled.
She walked towards the bar, where a ginger-haired man sat, wearing a green coat with white faux fur around the hood.
You didn't really notice him at first, or to be honest, really care.
A white-haired girl with a beautiful red dress, stood at the bar, conversing to the orange-haired man.
"This is Mira!"
Lucy said, pointing at the girl.
MiraJane looked up from her conversation, and smiled at you.
"Hi! Master told me about a newbie he let in. Said she was a cute young girl."
You blush slightly.
"Hehe, I guess that's me. He said you'd give me my emblem."
"Oh yes! Let me get the stamp."
She walked off, returning after a minute with the said stamp.
"Where would you like it?"
"I would like it here."
You said, pointing at (E/A).
She smiled and pushed the stamp down on (E/A) roughly, causing you to wince.
She pulled the stamp away, and you looked at it.
It turned (E/C)!
"Wow! (E/C)! That's a beautiful color!"
MiraJane complimented.
"Thank you so much, Mira!"
You said, smiling.
Mira nodded, a enthusiastic smile continuing to stay on her face.
The man from earlier turned to look at you.
"Well, welcome to the Guild (Y/N). I'm Loke."
He said, his sunglasses shining in the light.
"Nice to meet you."
You reply.
"He's a lost cause, (Y/N), don't even try talking to him."
Lucy said, coming up behind you. An amused smile on her face.
"He's a playboy. I wouldn't trust him. This is one of those rare occasions where he doesn't have girls hanging off his arms."

"Hey! You don't have to go telling every girl I talk to that!"
Loke protested.
Lucy giggled mischievously.
"Come on, (Y/N), I'll introduce you to the others."
Lucy said, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards a group of other people.
You watched the man, Loke as you were pulled away. He stared at you for a long moment, both of your eyes locked onto each other's, until he turned around, walking back towards the bar.
You sighed, but followed Lucy.

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